XSL Content

Teaching staff


Knowledge area
International Public Law and International Relations
Faculty of Social and Communication Sciences
Electronic mail

Category: Senior Researcher

Doctor (if applicable): Doctor

Department: International Public Law , International Relations

Centre: faculty of Social Sciences and Communication

Email address: igor.filibi@ehu.eus

Phone: (+34) 94 601 2340

Igor Filibi obtained grades on Political Science (1995) and Political Sociology (1997), and his post-grade formation included studies on European integration (1996), and on Constitutional Law and Political Science at the Centre of Political and Constitutional Studies (Madrid, 1997). He obtained his Phd with honours in International Relations by the University of the Basque Country (2004). He worked for the EUROREG international research project (funded by EU Com; contract number: FP6 506019; Sept 2004 to August 2007). He is currently Senior Researcher at the University of the Basque Country and Lecturer at the University Studies Abroad Consortium (USAC) program. Since September 2021 is Secretary General of EuroBasque, the basque Council of the European Movement.

