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Construction III27942

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

The training field of Construction III corresponds to the INDUSTRIALIZED BUILDING CONSTRUCTION and is the most dynamic within the field of construction due to its direct link with productive innovation, implicit in the term "industrialization".

Industrialization implies an open mind to apply ADVANCED METHODS and TECHNOLOGIES (BIM, LEAN, ERP, IPD) throughout the building process: design, manufacturing, construction, management, maintenance and renovation. The degree of industrialization of a building is not determined by the elements used, but by the characteristics of the building process. Industrialization involves PREFABRICATION, production of components and subsystems in a factory outside its definitive final location and ASSEMBLY (simple, precise and specialized).

The subjects Construction III and Construction IV, 4th year, close the obligatory general technical training of the Bachelor´s Degree in Architecture and are integrated in the Advanced Technical Module M05. Construction III gives continuity to the subjects Construction I and II of 3º.

In Construction III, the industrialized systems of STRUCTURES and OPAQUE ENVELOPES are particularly treated. The subject has continuity in Construction IV, of the second semester, where transparent envelopes , internal divisions and network integration are treated.

In the 5th year there are elective intensification subjects that allow to deepen the field of building technology: Parametric and Digital Architecture New Ways of Building. After completing the degree, students have at their disposal a wide range of specialized training opportunities in technological areas: Master in Advanced, Sustainable and Intelligent Construction and Master in Research in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Industry, Transport, Building and Urban Planning of the UPV / EHU.

The projects carried out by the students can be consulted at:


Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


RA01: Skillfully identifies the most significant concepts of the theory of industrialized construction by answering correctly questionnaires.

RA02: Compiles adequately advanced references of industrialized structures and opaque envelopes, identifying the most significant elements and the degree of industrialization.

RA03: Designs in detail, in groups, the structure and the industrialized opaque envelopes of the project, calculating, sizing and planning the most appropriate constructive solutions through the application of catalogs of advanced construction products and specific regulations.

RA04: Represents with precision and technical rigor the design of the structure and the opaque envelopes of the project carried out in groups, describing in a complete way the systems and constructive subsystems used as well as the interaction between them through detailed constructive drawings.

RA05: Describes with precision and technical rigor the industrialized construction project through a detailed technical report.

RA06: Exposes clearly in front of the group the industrialized opaque façade design developed by relying on the most appropriate support means.

RA07: Makes properly a video outline that includes a detailed description of the opaque industrialized facade solution adopted and the transport and assembly process of the most significant components.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


Topic 01: Industrialization of construction

Topic 02: Requirements of industrialized construction. Process planning.


Topic 03: Industrialized structures: Requirements. Composition and interaction.

Topic 04: Industrialized structures: Technologies and materials.

Topic 05: Industrialized Structures: Problems of design, execution, maintenance and pathology.

Topic 06: Manufacturing, transport and assembly.


Topic 07: Industrialized envelopes: Requirements. Composition and interaction.

Topic 08: Opaque industrialized envelopes. Types, systems and elements. Schemes.

Topic 09: Opaque industrialized envelopes. Technologies and materials Details.

Topic 10: Opaque industrialized envelopes. Problems of design, execution, maintenance and pathology. Transport and assembly.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The methodology followed is COLLABORATIVE PROJECT BASED LEARNING. It highlights the COOPERATIVE WORK of the students, the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION of the cooperative tasks and the realization of short expositions based on cases by the teacher when necessary.

Students, in mixed groups of three people, will develop an opaque industrialized facade project and will prepare the necessary technical documentation, which will be presented through construction plans (RA04), a technical report (RA05), oral presentation (RA06) and a basic descriptive video of the constructive process (RA07).


The projects developed in PREVIOUS EDITIONS have been: Solar house for the competition Solar Decathlon Europe, the construction of a hotel with 15 floors in 6 days, collective industrialized housing, mountain refuge, stand for the Cluster Habic, envelope for a single-family house Passivhaus ...

Likewise, a mural will be made (RA02: Appropriately compiles references ...;) in which the most significant elements and the degree of industrialization of exemplary advanced building references will be identified.

Through individual questionnaires, students will demonstrate the knowledge acquired about the most significant concepts of the theory of industrialized construction (RA01: Skillfully identifies the concepts ....)

To facilitate and ensure student learning, continuous feed-back will be provided based on previously established evaluation criteria, so that students have the opportunity to become aware of their learning, as well as ways to improve it.

NOTE: The methodology that will be followed to develop the Integrated Workshop project will be determined with the rest of the teachers of the Workshop.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 20
    • Multiple-Choice Test (%): 10
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 30
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 30

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The evaluation of this subject will be continuous and will be carried out through the delivery of the following tasks:

Task 1: Development of Exercise 1: Analysis of the degree of industrialization of model buildings: 10%.

Task 2: Synthesis of reading material and questionnaires: 10%.

Task 3: Portfolio development 10%

Task 4: Project development: Design of an industrialized opaque facade: 60%

Task 5: Integrated workshop project: 10%


The most relevant aspects that will be evaluated are indicated below. The evaluation tools are mostly “rubrics” where a complete list of aspects to evaluate, the level of performance and weight are defined.

-RA01 (Skillfully identifies the most significant concepts ...): Responds correctly to the questionnaires.

-RA02 (Compiles adequately advanced references ...): Quality of the information, organization, diagrams and illustrations, graphic and textual expressions, presentation, content ...

-RA03 (Designs in detail, in groups, the structure and the opaque envelopes ...): Presentation and content, quality of the information, graphic and textual expressions, metacognition ..

-RA04 (Represents with precision and technical rigor ...): Understanding of the subject and the objectives, quality of the resolution, quality of representation and writing, relevance of the proposal, participation, attitude.

-RA05 (Describe with precision and technical rigor ...): Quality, writing, organization, diagrams and illustrations ...

-RA06 (Exposes clearly in front of the group…): Preparation, interest, voice, posture, time, support material …

-RA07 (Makes properly a video outline...): Content, transport and assembly process, originality, video editing, interest, recording and editing of the video, quality, time…

The formative evaluation will be carried out giving directions for improvement of the deliveries made. After the first delivery, modifications can be made, and a second improved version can be delivered. The last delivered version will be graded.

Students wishing to be evaluated through the FINAL ASSESSMENT SYSTEM must submit in writing to the teacher responsible for the subject the renunciation of continuous assessment, for which they will have a period of 4 weeks from the beginning of the semester, in accordance with the academic calendar of the center. In this case, the final test will consist of an exam.

After the period of 4 WEEKS, the students that having chosen the option of continuous evaluation want to be evaluated through the final evaluation system will have a period of 9 WEEKS to count from the beginning of the semester, according to the academic calendar of the center. They must submit in writing to the teacher responsible for the subject the renunciation of continuous evaluation. In this case, the final test will consist of the presentation of all the activities, exercises and projects carried out during the course as well as the performance of an exam.

The students can RENOUNCE TO THE CALL IN A PERIOD OF 4 WEEKS from the beginning of the semester, according to the academic calendar of the center. This waiver must be submitted in writing to the faculty responsible for the subject. The resignation to the call will mean the qualification of not presented or not presented. It will also be understood that a student renounces the call when in the 4th week he / she has not contacted the teacher responsible for the subject in writing and has not formed a group with other students, nor participated in the activities of the course. By renouncing the call, the rating will be "not presented".

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Students who do not pass the subject in the ordinary call, regardless of the chosen evaluation system, will have the right to take exams and assessment activities that make up the final evaluation test of the extraordinary call.

The final evaluation test of the extraordinary call will consist of the presentation of all the activities and exercises carried out during the course as well as the performance of an exam. The positive results obtained by the students during the course can be preserved. In the case of having obtained negative results through the continuous assessment carried out during the course, these results can not be maintained for the extraordinary call, in which the students will be able to obtain 100% of the grade.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

The subject works with EGELA of Campus Virtual de la UPV-EHU, where there are the program and the guidelines for every activity, exercise and project, material for every theme, forums, questionnaires of the readings and evaluation questionnaires.

The subject has a webpage: www.indusrializedarchitecture.com and a virtual course in OCW http://ocw.ehu.es/file.php/106/construccion_indus/Course_listing.html where the students will find everything they need and could participate in the edition of the material.

The subject has also a BLOG (http://www.ehu.eus/ehusfera/industrialized-architecture) and pretends to build an open space for discuss linked o the subject. By the 5th week the students will create their own Blog where the minutes and deliveries will be published. In this way interaction with classmates will be possible.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography


FISCHER, Robert E/ (ed/): New Structures/ McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 1964/

FRANCIS, A/J/: Introducción a las estructuras para arquitectura e ingeniería/ Limusa, México, 1984/

GRAYSON, Martin (ed/): Encyclopedia of Composite Materials and Components/ Wiley&Sons, Nueva York, 1983/

KEPES, Gyorgy dir/: La structure dans les arts et dans les sciences/ La Connaissance, Bruselas, 1967/

KHAN, Fazlur R/: Structural Theories an Thier Architectural Expression/ A Review of Possibilities/ Estados Unidos/

LIN, T/Y/: Structural Concepts and Systems for Architects and Engineers/ John Wiley &Sons, Nueva York, 1980/

MARTORANO, L/D/; AGUIRRE, F/: Sistemas de rigidización de edificios en altura frente a acciones de viento y sismo/ Monografías del I/E/T/C/C/ "Eduardo Torroja", C/S/I/C/, nº 342, Madrid, 1977/

MIMRAM, Marc: Structures et formes: Etude appliquée á l'oeuvre de Robert Le Ricolais/ Dunod, París, 1983/

WACHSMANN, Konrad: The Turning Point of Building/ Structure and Design/ Reinhold Publishing Corporation, Nueva York, 1961/


Modern Steel Construction in Europe/ Elsevier, Amsterdam, 1963/

Structural Design of Tall Steel Buildings (International Conference on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings)/ American Society of Civil Engineers & IABSE/ Pennsylvania, 1972/

Tall Building/ Systems and Concepts (International Conference on Planning and Design of Tall Buildings)/ American Society of Civil Engineers & IABSE, Pennsylvania, 1972/

BLANC, Alan; McEVOY, M/; PLANCK, R/: Architecture and Construction in Steel/ E & FN SPON, Londres, 1992/

BLASER, Werner: Filigree Architecture/ Metal an Glass Construction/ Weptf and Co/ Basel, Nueva York, 1980/

ENGEL, I/: Structural Steel in Architecture and Building Technology/ Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, 1988/

HART, F/; HENN, W/; SONTAG, H/: El Atlas de la construcción metálica/ Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1976/

KHAN, Fazlur R/; RANKINE, John: Tall Building Systems and Concepts/ American Society of Civil Enginneers, Nueva York, 1980/

LA TOGOLA, A/: Construzioni in aciaio, Lignori, Nápoles, 1987/

LEMOINE, Bertrand: Eiffel/ Editorial Stylos, Barcelona, 1986/

LOIRETTE, Henry: Gustave Eiffel/ Office du Livre, Friburgo, 1986/

MARGERIT, J/; BUXADE, C/: Las mallas espaciales en arquitectura/ Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1972/

MASI, F/: Construire in acciaio: progetto, formaziones di estructure portanti… Haepli, Milán, 1989/

ROISECCO, Giulio (dir/); JODICE, Romano (coord/): L'architettura del ferro, gli Stati Uniti 1893-1914/ Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 1980/

ROISECCO, Giulio (dir/); JODICE, Romano (coord/): L'architettura del ferro/ L'Inghiterra 1688-1914/ Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 1972/

ROISECCO, Giulio (dir/); JODICE, Romano (coord/): L'architettura del ferro/ La Francia 1715-1914/ Bulzoni Editore, Roma, 1973/

SHUELLER, Wolfgang: High-/Rise Building Structures/ John Wiley & Sons, Nueva York, 1980/


Concrete Foundations/ ACI, Detroit, 1992/

Evaluation and Rehabilitation of Concrete Structures and Innovations in Design (dos volúmenes)/ ACI, Detroit, 1991/

High-strength Concrete/ ACI, Detroit, 1985/

Pantallas continuas/ Cimentaciones Especiales, Bilbao, 1974/

ANGERER, Fred: Construcción laminar/ Gustavo Gili, Barcelona/

CANDELA, Félix: Hacia una nueva filosofía de las estructuras/ Ediciones 3, Buenos Aires, 1962/

JOHANSEN, K/W/: Yield-line Formulae for Slabs/ Cement and Concrete Association, Slough, 1972/

MALIER, Ives (ed/): High Performance Concrete/ E & FN SPON, Londres, 1992/

PCI: Fachadas prefabricadas de hormigón/ Editorial Saber, Madrid, 1980/

PELLICER DAVIÑA, D/: El hormigón armado en la construcción arquitectónica/ Cementación y hormigón pretensado/ E/U/N/S/A, Pamplona/

PELLICER DAVIÑA, D/: El hormigón armado en la construcción arquitectónica/ Tipologías estructurales/ E/U/N/S/A/, Pamplona/


BENEDETTI, C/: Le construzioni in legno: l'esperienca canadese/ Kappa, Roma, 1984/

BURCHELL, J/: Design & Build in Timber Frame/ Longman Scientific & Technical, Essex, 1987/

FAHERTY, K/F/: Wood Enginering and Construction Handbook/ McGraw-Hill, Nueva York, 1989/

JOHNSON, H/: La Madera/ Origen, explotación y aplicaciones del más antiguo recurso natural/ Blume, Barcelona, 1989/

LANES, F/: Il legno lamellare/ Habitat Legno, Edolo, 1988/

METTEM, C/J/: Structural Timber Design and Technology/ Longman Scientific & Technical, Essex, 1986/


Lightweight and Energy Technics/ Promotora de Prensa Internacional, Barcelona, 1991

FRIEDMAN, Yona: La arquitectura móvil/ Editorial Poseidón, Barcelona, 1978/

MAKOWSKI, Z/S/: Estructuras ligeras de acero, I/E/T/C/C/ "Eduardo Torroja", Madrid, 1969/

McHALE, John: R/ Buckminster Fuller/ Editorial Hermes, México-Buenos Aires, 1966/

In-depth bibliography

Estanqueidad e impermeabilización en la edificación/ Editores Técnicos Asociados, Barcelona, 1978/
Soiling and Cleaning of Building facades/ Rilem/ Technicas Commitee/ 90 FMA, Londres, 1989/
BERNSTEIN, D/ y Otros: Construcción/ Nuevas técnicas en la obra de fábrica/ El muro de dos hojas en la arquitectura de hoy Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1985/
BROOKES, Alan: Cladding of Buildings/ Longman Group Ltd/, Ingleterra, 1990/
BROOKES, Alan: Concepts in Cladding/ Construction Press, Londres, 1985/
BROOKES, Alan: The Building Enveloppe: Applications of New Technology Cladding/ Butterworths, Londres, 1990/
BROOKES, Alan; GRECH, Chris: Connections/ Studies in Building Assembly/ Buterworths-Heinemann Ltd/, Londres, 1992/
BRUCE, Martin: Las juntas en los edificios/ Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 1981/
BURNHAM, J/: Sealant Technology in Glazing Systems/ ASTM, Tampa (USA), 1981/
DONALDSON, Barry (ed/): Exterior Wall Systems/ American Society for Testing and Materials, Ann Arbor, 1991/
DONALDSON, Barry (ed/): New Stone Technology, Design and Construction for Exterior Wall Systems/ American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, 1988/
FORDYCE, M/W/: GRC and Buildings/ Butterworths, Londres, 1983/
LEGGATT, A/: GRP and Buildings: a Design Guide for Architects/ Butterworth, Londres, 1984/
MACLELLAN, G/; SHAND, E/E/: Glass Engnineering Handbook/ McGraw Hill, Nueva York, 1984/
MARSH, Paul: Fixings, Fasteners and Adhesives/ Construction Press, Londres, 1984/
SANDS, Herman: Wall Systems: Analysis by Detail/ McGraw-Hill Book Company, Nueva York, 1986/


AFL : arquitectura en fachadas ligeras.
Arte y cemento
Building and environment : the international journal of building science and its applications
Cement & concrete composites
Cement and concrete research
Cemento-Hormigón : revista técnica.
Construc : revista técnica de la construcción.
Construction and building materials
Design studies
Detail : revista de arquitectura y detalles constructivos.
Detail : Zeitschrift für Architektur + Baudetail.
Detalles y proyectos de arquitectura : DPA
industria delle costruzioni, L'
Infoconstrucción : IC : estrategia e información de la construcción
Informes de la construcción.
plan : architecture & technologies in detail, The
Qualité construction
RE : revista de edificación.
TC : tribuna de la construcción.
Tectónica : monografías de arquitectura, tecnología y construcción.

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