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Constructive Analysis III27920

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Constructive Analysis III is taught in the first four-month period of the second year of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture. The course offers an education oriented to the knowledge of the most common Materials, Techniques and Construction Systems, and its objective is to reinforce the concepts learned in the previous course. Starting from the characteristics and behavior of materials, various examples of constructive and architectural solutions will be analyzed. Students should progressively be able to analyze increasingly complex construction systems. increasingly complex construction systems. This course is directly linked to the course Construction Analysis IV, taught during the 2nd four-month period, which develops the same competences, but through the study of other materials.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The competencies listed below are included in the module M02_Basic Technical of the syllabus of the Degree in Fundamentals of Architecture.


-Basic ability and capacity to analyze, but also to conceive, design and propose for execution, all those elements that can integrate a building (foundations, structure, enclosures, partitions, finishes, etc.). those elements that can integrate a building (foundations, structure, enclosures, divisions, finishes, installations, etc.) (M02CM01/2)

-Basic ability to apply the Technical and Constructive Standards (M02CM03)

-Basic ability to conceive designs that meet the durability requirements of what is built (M02CM04).

-Basic knowledge of the general characteristics, the plastic, elastic and resistance qualities, as well as the production procedures, the use and the use of the material. (M02CM05)

- Basic knowledge of the general characteristics, plastic, elastic and resistance qualities, as well as the production procedures, use and pathologies of construction materials.

-Basic knowledge of the responsibility involved in the design and construction of a building (M02CM06).


After completing the course, students will know the origin, variety and application of the most common construction materials. In addition, they will be able to adapt their use to the typology and use of the building. At the same time, they will have to identify the elements and construction systems, to define their function and compatibility, and to plan and solve construction details. Fundamentally, students should understand the relationship between Construction and Architecture, and how the way we build defines our architecture.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


In the course Constructive Analysis III the following topics will be covered; in any case, taking into account that the course Constructive Analysis IV is a continuation of this one, there may be changes in the order and content of the syllabus.

T.01. Introduction. Properties of construction materials and their application.

T.02. Natural and artificial stones.

T.03. Binders and conglomerates.

T.04. Concrete

T.05. Ceramic materials


- Group Practice: Construction analysis of one or several buildings.

- Group/individual exercises: exercises related to the weekly theoretical theme. They will be carried out during the hours and will be handed in at the end of the class.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The course is composed of a theoretical and a practical part, and is designed to be evaluated on a continuous basis. The face-to-face teaching will comprise theoretical classes given by the teacher and a series of practical exercises that will be carried out in class and will be directly related to the weekly theoretical topic. Cooperative group work will be encouraged, as well as student autonomy, following active learning methodologies.

In addition to the classes dedicated to theory, there will be four workshop sessions in which students will develop group practices of longer duration.

During the classroom time, the active participation of the student will be valued (attending the class, contributing with questions and comments).

The course does not propose the realization of practices that require the use of the ETSA Laboratory, although it is expected to make some visits that may require the assistance of laboratory technicians during the term.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 20
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 30
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 50

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

The subject Constructive Analysis III will preferably follow a system of CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, in order to reduce the weight of the final test (according to article 8, BOPV nº50 of March 13, 2017). So that deliveries are corrected, it is essential to deliver the work within the established deadlines.


- This evaluation system requires maximum attendance and participation. Students will be notified periodically of the status of their partial grades.

- In order to be able to take the exam with this evaluation system in the ORDINARY CALL, it is necessary to have completed at least 80% of the exercises proposed in class and that the average grade of the same is a pass mark. The delivery of these exercises is mandatory and must be done on the day and time proposed in the calendar.

- To be able to take the exam with this evaluation system in the ORDINARY CALL, it is necessary to have delivered and corrected each and every one of the deliveries of the Group Practice on the dates indicated.

- Failure to take the exam, even after having handed in the course practice and having passed the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, implies the waiving of the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, implies the resignation to the exam, and will be graded as NOT PRESENTED.

- Students who, having passed the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION, do not pass the theoretical exam or the course practice, will not pass the course and will be graded with the grade obtained in the failed part of the course.


The grade of the continuous evaluation will be obtained by weighting the following values:

- 20% Theoretical Exam (two partial exams 10%+10%, with grade higher or equal to 5 in each one).

- 30% Class exercises (with a grade higher than or equal to 5)

- 50% Group course practice (with a grade greater than or equal to 5)


Students have the right to waive the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION system. To do so, they must communicate their decision to the teacher responsible for the subject in writing and within a period of 9 weeks from the beginning of the term, according to the academic calendar of the center. In this case, the student will be directly evaluated by the through the FINAL EVALUATION system.


- Students who refuse to follow the CONTINUOUS EVALUATION system as indicated above, have the right to opt for the FINAL EVALUATION.

- In case of opting for the FINAL EVALUATION, students must hand in the practice of constructive analysis carried out individually for the day of the exam. It will only be possible to take the exam after having handed in the practical of constructive analysis practice.

- Failure to take the exam and not submitting the practice of the course, means giving up the exam, and will be graded as NOT PRESENTED.

- Students who do not pass the exam or the practice will not pass the course and will have the grade obtained in the failed part.


The grade of the final evaluation will be obtained by weighting the following values:

- 50% Exam with Theoretical Part + Practical Part (average grade of both if 5 or more in each part).

- 50% Individual course practice (with a grade higher or equal to 5).

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

- Students who do not pass the course in the ORDINARY CALL, regardless of the evaluation system chosen, will be entitled to take the exams and evaluation activities that they evaluation system chosen in it, will have the right to take the exams and evaluation activities that make up the FINAL EVALUATION the FINAL EVALUATION test of the EXTRAORDINARY CALL.

- Students who do not pass the ORDINARY CALL because they have not passed the course practice or the exam may recover the part not passed in the EXTRAORDINARY CALL. The approved parts of the exam will not be retained.

- In case the student chooses to take the EXTRAORDINARY CALL, he/she will have to hand in the individually completed course practice for the day of the exam. The exam can only be taken by those who have previously handed in the practice. In this case, the overall grade will be obtained by weighting the values indicated in the FINAL EVALUATION system.

- Not passing the exam and not submitting the course practice, means giving up the exam, and it will be graded as NOT PRESENTED.

- Students who do not pass the exam or the practice will not have passed the course and will have as a grade the grade obtained in the failed part.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Students will need to use measurement tools and representation tools, so their mastery and ability to make expressive presentations that convey the content of their work in an effective way will be assessed.
The bibliography is very extensive and there are different approaches that can make its management complex, so it is necessary to limit the number of publications to be searched. Preference will be given to resources provided by the campus library and several digital journals will be consulted assiduously. The critical evaluation of the sources used, whether in paper or digital format, will be part of the main practice of the course.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

- Alcalde Peceros, Francisco, Banco de detalles arquitectónicos, Marsay ediciones, 2002.

- Allen, Edward, Cómo funciona un edificio: principios elementales. 1ª ed. Barcelona, G. Gili, 2017.

- Arcos Molina, Juan, Los materiales básicos de la construcción, Sevilla, PROGENSA, 1995.

- Ching, Francis D. K; Adams, Cassandra, Guía de construcción Ilustrada, 3a ed. México: Limusa-Wiley, 2004.

- Chudley, R.; Greeno, Roger, Manual de construcción de edificios, 3ª ed., Barcelona, G. Gili, 2013, (disponible on-line)

- Deplazes, Andrea, Construir la arquitectura: del material en bruto al edificio: un manual, Barcelona, G. Gili, 2010.

- Gordon, James Edward, Estructuras o por qué las cosas no se caen, 2ª ed, Madrid, Calamar, 2004.

- Hegger, Manfred, Construction Materials Manual, Basel, Birkhäuser, 2006.

- Paricio, Ignacio, Vocabulario de arquitectura y construcción, 1ª ed., Barcelona, Bisagra, 1999.

- Paricio, Ignacio, La construcción de la arquitectura: 1. Las técnicas, 2. Los elementos, 3. La composición ITEC, 1996.

- Gonzalez, José Luis; Casals, Albert; Falcones, Alejandro (et al.), Claves del construir arquitectónico, Tomo I. Principios, Tomo II. Elementos del exterior, la estructura y la compartimentación, Tomo III. Elementos de las instalaciones y la envolvente, Barcelona, G. Gili, 1997.

- Sastre Sastre, Ramón; Muñoz Salinas, Francisco, Propiedades de los materiales y elementos de construcción, Edicions UPC, 2010 (disponible on-line).

- Torroja Miret, Eduardo, CSIC, Razón y ser de los tipos estructurales. 7ª ed. Madrid, Instituto de Ciencias de la Construcción Eduardo Torroja, 1991.

In-depth bibliography

- Chivite, Óscar, Ejecución de fachadas con ladrillo cara vista: manual, Hispalyt ,1998
- Ford, Edward R., The Details of Modern Architecture, vol. 1 y 2, Cambridge, Massachusetts, MIT Press, 1990.
- Medina, Eduardo, Construcción de estructuras de hormigón armado en edificación, Bellisco, 2010,
- Paricio, Ignacio; Rius, Mercè, La fachada de ladrillo, 2ª ed., Barcelona, Bisagra, 1998.
- Regalado Tesoro, Florentino, Los forjados de los edificios: pasado, presente y futuro, Alicante, CYPE Ingenieros, 1999.
- Rey Coín, José Ignacio, Ajuste y colocación en obra de mampostería, sillería y perpiaño (UF1109), Madrid, IC Editorial, 2013 (disponible en línea).
- Sánchez-Ostiz Gutiérrez, Ana, Cerramientos de edificios. Cubiertas, 2ª ed., Madrid, CIE Dossat 2000, 2007.
- Simmonet, Cyrille, Hormigón: historia de un material: Economía, Técnica y Arquitectura, Donostia – San Sebastián, Nerea, 2009.
- Ulrich Knaack, Façades: principles of construction, Basel, Birkhäuser ; 2007. (disponible on-line)
- Urbán Brotóns, Pascual, Construcción de estructuras: hormigón armado: adaptado a las instrucciones EHE, EFHE y NCSE-02 (5a. ed.), ECU, 2005. (disponible on-line).

Reference Standards:
- Código Técnico de la Edificación
- Código Estructural


Detail Praxis. Monográficos de la revista Detail (varios).
Detail (papel) + https://www.detail-online.com/
Tectónica (papel) + https://tectonica.archi/ (login Biblioteca UPV/EHU).

Web addresses

Asociación de fabricantes de cemento de España. https://www.oficemen.com/
Asociación Nacional Española de Fabricantes de Hormigón Preparado. https://www.anefhop.com/
Fical. Forum Ibérico de la Cal. http://www.fical.org/
Asociación Española de Fabricantes de Ladrillos y Tejas de Arcilla Cocida. https://www.hispalyt.es/es
World Natural Stone Asociation: http://www.wonasa.com/ + https://www.litosonline.com/

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