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Knowledge area
Computer Languages and Systems
Computer Languages and Systems
Faculty of Informatics
Electronic mail

Dr. German Rigau Deputy Director of HiTZ (Basque Research Centre for Language Technologies) obtained his Ph.D. and B.A. in Computer Science from the Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya (UPC). He is also teaching at the Computer Science Faculty of the UPV/EHU as an Associate Professor. He has published more than hundred-refereed articles and conference papers in the area of NLP, and in particular Acquisition of Lexical Knowledge, Word Sense Disambiguation, Semantic Processing and Inferencing. He has been the PI of the european MEANING project and the local PI of NAMIC, KYOTO, PATHS, OpeNER and NewsReader. Currently, he is the PI of the national DeepReading and CrossText projects and previous SKaTer and TUNER projects. He has also been involved in several European research projects (ACQUILEX, ACQUILEX II, EUROWORDNET, PATHS, Readers and Lihlith) and in several Spanish National research projects (ITEM, HERMES, SENSEM, KNOW, KNOW2). Currently, he is a board member of the GWA, and member of ACL and SEPLN. He has been since its inception one of main advisors of the Spanish National Plan of Impulse of Language Technologies.

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