Tear Biomarkers and Biomaterials for ocular surface regeneration

Responsible researchers: Dr. Arantxa Acera and Profs. Elena Vecino and Juan Durán de la Colina

1. Tear biomarkers and ocular surface

We analyze the components of the tear using proteomics and lipidomics techniques in an attempt to identify diagnostic biomarkers of ophthalmological diseases like dry eye disease. We have been pioneers in analyzing the tear using these two techniques and we have published more than 15 articles in this field.

Representative publications:


  • Tear Lipidomics in dry eye disease: potential diagnostic and therapeutic biomarkers. MINECO-Retos Fondos Fender (RTC-2016-48231).
  • Research on Biofunctional Materials for biomedical sector devices (IMABI). Hazitek.

A collaboration with the company IMG-Pharma through the co-supervision University-Industry Doctoral Thesis of the graduate student Miguel de la Fuente.


2. Biomaterials for ocular surface regeneration

The design of hydrogels to liberate therapeutic growth factors that drive the regeneration of the ocular surface. We collaborate with two technology centres, CIDETEK and POLYMAT, to develop the biomaterials that liberate the growth factors.

Representative publications:


  • Novel biomaterials in regenerative ophthalmic medicine. ELKARTEK (KK-2019/00086)

Foundation Gangoiti fellowship to the graduate student Nerea Ayucar

3. Early biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases

By analyzing the tears of Parkinson's disease patients, we have characterized some potential early biomarkers that could help achieve an early diagnosis of this disease.

This work has been the result of the direct collaboration between the neurologist Dr Juan Carlos Gómez and Dr Marta Galdós, an ophthalmologist, both working at the Cruces University Hospital, and with the assistance of the Proteomics service at the CIC Biogune and through the collaboration of specialists in bioinformatics.

Representative publications:


  • Biomarkers of neurodegenerative diseases in tear, towards the development of a system ELKARTEK KK- 2021/00023