

ENEDI group has licenses for different simulation tools. The use of these tools is very varied: validations of numerical models based on experimental results can be carried out, and also optimizations design of a building component or building from parametric studies.

Simulation programs are a complementary tool to the tests carried out. Both experimentally as numerical calculation have their sources of error and uncertainty, it is therefore very interesting to obtain and compare both results.

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Simulations on heat transfer

Objective:To solve systems of differential equations that describe temperatures by finite difference methods or finite volume methods (CFD)

Software: Ansys-Fluent, Star CCM+, Therm, Kobra.


  • Calculations of thermal resistence of opaque walls and windows
  • Design optimisation
  • Characterisation of thermal bridges
  • Thermal performance analysis of phase change materials (PCM)

Higrothermal simulation


Objetive: Solve coupled equtions related to heat and mass transfer 

Software: Wufi


  • Interstitial condensation risk calculation
  • Drying time of the enclosures with moisture retention
  • Influence of rain on exterior building components
  • Quantifying the impact of repeairs or rehabilitation

Air flow simulation


Objetive: Solve the differential equations of conservation of mass and momentum. In most cases it is also necessary to resolve in a coupled manner the phenomena of heat transfer by the equation of energy conservation. 

Software: Contam, Ansys-Fluent, Star CCM+.


  • Determination of air movement indoors
  • Influence of occupation and household activities on indoor air quality
  • Energy evaluation of mechanical ventilation systems
  • Thermal behavior of ventilated facades

Building energy simulation


Objetive: It consists in modeling a building and its environment to analyze its theoretical energy behavior. Not only the geometry and materials of the building envelope are taken into account, but also the external weather conditions and building use. 

Software: DesignBuilder, Trnsys, EnergyPlus.


  • Sizing of HVAC systems of a building
  • Calculation of heating and cooling energy demand
  • Analysis of energy savings due to the implementation of improvements
  • Calculation of consumption for HVAC and DHW
  • Evaluation of thermal comfort

Energy performance certification of buildings


Objetive: Get the energy performance certificate for buildings and/or dwellings to know the level of energy efficiency. The programs for the energy certification are recognized by the Ministry of Industry, Energy and Transport.

Software: HULC CE3, CE3X, Cerma.


  • Energy certification of designed and finished buildings
  • Energy certification of existing buildings
  • Rated energy efficiency of residential buildings