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Urban Planning VIII: the Practice of Planning27953

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

"Urbanism VIII. The Practice of Planning" is a compulsory subject taught in the 1st semester of the 5th course of the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture at the UPV/EHU. This subject has 3 ECTS, including 15 hours of face-to-face theory lectures (plus 10 hours of distance learning) and 20 hours of face-to-face practice (plus 30 hours of distance learning).

The subject was first taught in the 2014/2015 academic year and was structured following the Bologna 2011 Curriculum.

During the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, students have already internalised fundamental concepts on urbanism. In year 2, the focus is on understanding surrounding geographies, the implementation of cities in the territory and the structuring elements of cities (through the study of historical forms of urban growth). Year 3 focuses on the neighbourhood scale (Partial Plans and Special Plans). Year 4 zooms out into the city scale and the development of Local Plans. The first semester of year 5 planning is analysed at supra municipal scale (especially at a regional scale) both theoretically and in practice, exploring the relationship between cities and the territory, understanding the basics of land use and focusing on the environmental impacts of planning.

In year 5, "Urbanism VIII. The Practice of Planning" aims to familiarise students with the everyday practice of planning, both at a structural scale and a detailed scale. The focus is on the management of urban planning, with emphasis on urban, legal-administrative management and economic aspects.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation


The main general objective of the subject is linked to 2 general competencies of the degree:

G003 - Understanding of urbanism and its techniques in the process of urban planning.

G007- Understanding of the relationship between citizens and buildings and between them and their surroundings, as well as the need to relate buildings and the space left between them, depending on the human scale and needs.


The subject is also linked to 3 Module specific competences:

M06-Advanced designing skills. Architectural and urban planning design.

M06CM02- Advanced skills for: elaborate functional programmes for buildings and urban areas (T); intervene, preserve, restoration and rehabilitation of the built heritage (T); the practice of architectural critique; fulfillment of security, evacuation and protection of buildings (T); drafting of civil engineering projects (T); design and execution of urban layouts and urbanization, landscape and gardening projects (T); application of urban regulation and ordinances (T); drafting of environmental, landscape and environmental impact correction studies (T).

M06CM04- Advanced skills for: general theory of architectural form, composition and typologies; general history of Architecture; study methods for the processes of symbolization, practical functions and ergonomics; study methods for social needs, life quality and the habitability and basic programmes of housing; ecology, sustainability and the preservation principles of the energetic and environmental resources; architectural, urban and landscape tradition of western culture, as well as its technical, climatic, economic, social and ideological fundamentals; the aesthetics and theory of fine arts and applied arts; the relation between cultural patterns and the social responsibilities of the architect; the basis of vernacular architecture; urban sociology, theory, economy and history; the methodological foundations of urban, regional and metropolitan planning; drafting and management mechanisms of urban plans of any scale.

M06CM05- Advanced skills for: civil, administrative, urban, industrial and housing regulation related to the professional performance; the viability analysis and the supervision and coordination of integrated projects; real state appraisal.

Other specific competencies:

M08CM01 - Advanced capacity for the knowledge and development of urban, territorial and landscape planning projects.

M08CM08 - Understanding of sectoral and infrastructure planning techniques.

M08CM09 - Basic knowledge of the dynamising processes of urban life and their relationship with urban planning

M08CM10 - Advanced knowledge of strategic urban intervention and comprehensive urban diagnosis


The general objective of the course is to acquire the basic notions of the practice of Urban-Planning, concerning its management and delivery. It considers the aforementioned general competencies of the Degree and specific competencies of the Module established in the Study Plan. In addition, the following six specific-objectives concentrate on the administrative and legislative context of Spain, with a focus on the Basque Autonomous Community and Navarre.

1. To learn the basic concepts of town planning legislation and its historical and conceptual evolution.

2. To be familiar with key Planning Tools to establish land regimes.

3. To understand the fundamental concepts of urban planning at a structural scale and at a detailed scale.

4. To have knowledge of the basic concepts of urban development management, with regard to the fair distribution of burdens and profits derived from the urbanisation process; as well as the different types of Urban-Actions and the agents involved.

5. To acquire knowledge of the urban development management tools; in particular the Urban Development Action Programmes, Urban Development Agreements and Land Consolidation Projects (re-parcelling of land titles).

6. To understand the bases of land valuation and the methods to obtain the land necessary for the delivery of public- and social- infrastructure.


The syllabus has not defined any. However, the subject includes the following cross-cutting competencies to be developed through theory and workshop based classes (as per defined in the EHU-UPV Catalogue of Transversal Competencies):

GK - Social commitment

KO - Communication and multilingualism

EC - Ethics and professional responsibility

BE - innovation and entrepreneurship

PK - Critical thinking.

On top of that, being a Regional Planning subject where all aspects of life are considered, it will adhere to most of the UN's Sustainable Development Goals (SDG), with a special focus on the following goals:

9 - Industry, Innovation and Infrastructure

11 - Sustainable cities & communities

13 - Climate action

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


Theme 1 Basics of Urban Planning and introduction to Urban Development Management

Theme 2 Urban action types & systems

Theme 3 Instruments for urban development management

Theme 4 Land valuations and feasibility studies

Theme 5 Land consolidation projects (re-parcelling of land titles)


Through practice assignments, students will propose a comprehensive urban plan that aims to provide solutions to an area in a city —from planning and design stages, to management and delivery stages— as specified in the class.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching methodology includes lectures & seminars, workshop sessions, out-of-classroom learning and tutorials. If circumstances allow, a field trip may be arranged to visit the project site.

Lectures & seminars:

They provide the essential theory-foundations of the subject. These lectures are complemented with presentation and debate sessions, aimed at the evaluation of the assignments; the analysis of exemplar case studies that expand the theory lectures; the reading and discussion about relevant writings; and the public defence of the assessments carried out.

Workshop sessions:

These are follow-up sessions that facilitate the monitoring of the progress of the assignments, from their early sketches to their final presentation.

Learning outside the classroom:

Students deepen the teachings acquired in class through the reading and analysis of various specialised texts selected and recommended by the lecturer(s).


These are aimed at providing additional time to revise the exercises handed in, and providing personalised feedback and feedforward guidance for future exercises. In principle, these are not intended for ordinary corrections, unless these could not be completed correctly in the workshop sessions.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 20
    • Individual works (%): 10
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 70

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Continuous assessment system

Assignments are part of the continuous assessment of the subject. Passing the course in the ordinary call requires the delivery and passing of all the assignments (group and individual practice work), as well as the completion and passing of the final test.

The continuous assessment will be formative and summative, i.e., once the assignments have been handed in, the lecturer will offer feedback and feedforward to students, offering the possibility of improving and re-submitting their work.

Students or groups who have not handed in all the assignments will not be able to take the final test corresponding to the continuous assessment.

Final assessment system

Students have the right to waive the continuous assessment system, as long as they inform the lecturer in writing and in advance, during the first 9 weeks of the term.

Not presented

Students who are not enrolled will not be allowed to sit the exam. Students who, having produced some assignments wish to be listed as not having taken the exam, must inform the lecturer in writing at least one month before the official date of the final exam.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

If the student does not pass the course, he/she will have the right to sit for the extraordinary final exam. The student will have to complete the work done during the course and/or develop a new piece of work on the day of the exam, as specified by the teaching staff.

Students who are not enrolled will not be allowed to sit the exam.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

Regulation about Urban Planning, Regional Planning and Environmental Protection:

- Ley 8/1990 sobre Reforma del Régimen Urbanístico y Valoraciones del Suelo

- EAEko 4/1990 legea, lurralde-antolakuntzari buruzkoa. 131. EHAA. 1990/7/3.

- Sentencia 61/1997 del TC sobre los recursos de inconstitucionalidad contra la Ley 8/1990 del Suelo

- Ley 6/1998 sobre Régimen del Suelo y Valoraciones

- Sentencia 164/2001 del TC sobre los recursos de inconstitucionalidad contra la Ley 6/1998 del Suelo

- NFEko 35/2002 dekretua, lurraldearen antolamenduari eta hirigintzari buruzkoa. 156. NAO. 2002/12/27.

- Ley 2/2006 de Suelo y Urbanismo de la CAPV

- EAEko 2/2006 legea, lurzoruari eta hirigintzari buruzkoa. 138. EHAA. 2006/7/20.
Decreto 105/2008 de medidas urgentes en desarrollo de la Ley 2/2006 de Suelo y Urbanismo de la CAPV

- EAEko 11/2008 legea, hirigintza-jarduerez sortutako gainbalioetan erkidegoak izan behar duen parte-hartzea aldatzekoa. 238. EHAA. 2008/12/12.

- EAEko 105/2008 dekretua, 2/2006 legea garatzen duten premiazko neurriei buruzkoa. 118. EHAA. 2008/6/23.

- EAEko 123/2012 dekretua, hirigintzako estandarrei buruzkoa. 143. EHAA. 2012/7/23.

- EAEko 211/2012 dekretua, hirigintza-planen ingurumen-azterlan estrategikoak arautzen dituena. 223. EHAA. 2012/11/19.

- NFEko 35/2002 dekretua, lurraldearen antolamenduari eta hirigintzari buruzkoa. 156. NAO. 2002/12/27.

- Espainiako 2/2008 dekretua, lurzoru-legearen testu bateginarena. 154. BOE. 2008/6/26.

- Ley 11/2008 por la que se modifica la participación de la comunidad en las plusvalías generadas por la acción urbanística de la CAPV

- Real Decreto 1492/2011 por el que se aprueba el Reglamento de valoraciones de la Ley de Suelo de España

- Sentencia 94/2014 del TC sobre el precepto autonómico que extiende los deberes de cesión de los propietarios de suelo urbano no consol. al permitir la adscripción de sist. generales para el municipio

- Ley 3/2015 de vivienda de la CAPV

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

ERKIZIA OLAZIREGI, J. M. (2003): Hirigintza-plangintzatik lurraldearen antolamendura: eskala-aldaketaren premia. Euskal Autonomia Erkidegoaren egoera. Vitoria-Gasteiz: Gobierno Vasco. [ISBN: 84-457-2047-3]

ESTEBAN NOGUERA, J. (2003): Hirigintza-antolamendua. Kontzeptuak, tresnak eta jardunbideak. Bilbao: UPV/EHU. [ISBN: 978-84-9082-463-4; traducción de La ordenación urbanística: conceptos, herramientas y prácticas]

GARCÍA MAZA, R.B; IZETA BERAETXE, J.I. (2011): Manual básico de derecho urbanístico vasco, IVAP, Oñati. [1. argit. ISBN 978-84-7777-377-1]

MARINERO PERAL, Á.M. (2015): Código de Derecho Urbanístico estatal, Agencia Estatal Boletín Oficial del Estado, Madril. [ISBN gabe]

PIZARRO ASENJO, J.A. (2011): Hirigintza Zuzenbidea: hastapenak, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea, Bilbo. [1. argit. ISBN 978-84-9860-565-5]

TEJERINA GONZÁLEZ, J.I. (2010): Manual de ejecución urbanística, IVAP, Oñati. [1. argit. ISBN 978-84-7777-363-4]

In-depth bibliography

ARNAL LOSILLA, J.C.; SARASA FUNES, D. (2021): Ciudad abierta, ciudad digital - Políticas de innovación urbana. Catarata, Madrid [ISBN 978-84-1352-292-0]

CALZADA MUJIKA, I. (2011): ¿Hacia una ciudad vasca? Aproximación desde la innovación social, Eusko Jaurlaritza, Gasteiz. [ISBN 978-84-457-3180-2]

DE SOLÁ-MORALES, M. (2021): Miradas sobre la ciudad. El Acantilado, Barcelona [ISBN 9788418370182]

DOT-DESAZKUNDEA (2012): “Directrices para la cohesión territorial. Por un modelo territorial redistributivo, multifuncional, solidario y sostenible”, DOT-Desazkundea, Bilbo.

FERNÁNDEZ DE BETOÑO SÁENZ DE LA CUESTA, U. (2014): Hiri gara. Donostia-San Sebastián: Astero. [ISBN: 978-84-941992-3-3]

GUALLART, Vicente (2012): La ciudad autosuficiente, RBA, Bartzelona. [ISBN 978-84-9006-246-3]

LACOL; LA CIUTAT INVISIBLE (2019): Komunitatean bizi. Argia, Donostia [ISBN 978-84-09-23457-8]

LINKLATER, A. (2013): Owning the Earth, The Transforming History of Land Ownership. Bloomsbury, New York [ISBN 978-1620402917]

LÓPEZ, J.D. (2021): La España de las piscinas. Cómo el urbanismo neoliberal ha conquistado España y transformado su mapa político. Arpa, Barcelona [ISBN 978-84-17623-95-1]

PAISAJE TRANSVERSAL (2019): Escuchar y transformar la ciudad. Catarata, Madrid [ISBN 978-84-9097-688-3]

ROLNIK R. (2018): La guerra de los lugares - La colonización de la tierra y la vivienda en la era de las finanzas. Descontrol, Barcelona [978-84-18283-33-8]

RYAN-COLLINS, J.; LLOYD, T.; et al (2017): Rethinking the economics of Land and Housing. Zed Books, London [ISBN 978-1786991188]

SECCHI, B. (2015): La ciudad de los ricos, la ciudad de los pobres. Catarata, Madrid [ISBN 9788483199756]

WILLIAMS, B. (2021): Planning and Real Estate - Concise guides to planning hand books. Lund Humphries Publishers, London [ISBN 9781848223554]


ALDIRI. ARKITEKTURA ETA ABAR, Udako Euskal Unibertsitatea, Bilbo. [ISSN 1889-7185]

CIUDAD Y TERRITORIO. ESTUDIOS TERRITORIALES, Ministerio de Fomento del Gobierno de España, Madril. [ISSN 1133-4762]

EL ECOLOGISTA, Ecologistas en Acción, Madril. [ISSN 1575-2712]


URBAN, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Madril. [ISSN 1138-0810]

Web addresses













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