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Landscape Architecture26393

School of Architecture
Bachelor's Degree in Architecture
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

Placed at the very end of the degree, the subject "Landscape Architecture" provides a specific training on defining the landscape from an architectural approach, deepening in the architectural solutions associated with the exploitation and planning of the territory, and promoting the incorporation of the elements belonging to Nature as design arguments.

Being a subject that belongs to the Architectural Project Design departmental section, it provides the component of landscape conception to the "Urbanism, Landscape and Territory" Minor, halfway between the design of the architectural object and land-use planning.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

Training the student to define the landscape from the architectural project, progressing in the knowledge of architectural interventions on a landscape scale.

Acquire an adequate knowledge of the relationship between the different disciplines involved in the landscape configuration and management, and an advanced knowledge of the relationship between human activity and the transformation of the environment.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation

1. Interpretations of the Landscape: from the Visual Landscape to the Scientific Landscape.

2. Architecture and context: the construction of the place.

3. From Modern Abstract Space to the Existentialist Place of Organicism

4. Landscape management, sum of disparate disciplines

5. Historical Evolution of Landscaping. Development of the modern conception of the landscape.

6. Architecture and exploitation of territory

7. Common places: The garden, the square, the park.

Case studies: Carl Theodore Sørensen, Ernst Cramer, Geoffrey Jellicoe, Christopher Tunnard, Ian Hamilton Finlay, Thomas Church, Garrett Eckbo, Dan Kiley, Lawrence Halprin, Robert Burle Marx, Yves Brunier, Martha Schwartz, Kathryn Gustafson, Piet Oudolf.

The practical exercises are based on interventions in open spaces of different scales, giving solution to the raised needs, either from the statement or in its development, testing the theoretical models and case studies approached.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

The teaching is based on the realization of some practical exercises, leaded by the teacher through critical sessions, both individual and collective. It will also have theoretical support in exhibition and debate sessions, based on the general concepts of the discipline and on the analysis of similar architectural examples in program, size, shape or conditions of the environment.

The final objective of the practical work consists in the individual development of diverse Landscape Architecture projects, complemented with group work in certain phases, in order to optimize resources and promote learning of teamwork. An analysis of the main features (site, program, conditions of project ...) will also be carried out through debate sessions.

During the development of the project, the student will be advised by the teacher on concepts such as the coherence of the idea formulated, the appropriateness to the context, the spatial interest of the proposal, the correct functioning of the spaces, and the appropriate development of the technical aspects.

After the final delivery, the student will publicly defend his project (using digital media) in order to learn to publicly expose their works, encouraging constructive criticism among students.



Intended for the presentation of the exercise, the analysis works and exemplary projects to introduce the theoretical concepts of the subject, and the public defense of the work done.


Workshop sessions and individual or group corrections, used to follow the evolution of project from its first sketches to the final presentation of the work.


In those cases where it is deemed appropriate, for a proper understanding of the place, a visit will be made to the placement at the beginning of the exercise.


The purpose of the tutorials is to review the exercises given, providing a personalized explanation of the obtained qualification, as well as guidance for future exercises. In no case shall they will be intended for replace the practical academic sessions.

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Continuous Assessment System
  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Individual works (%): 50
    • Team projects (problem solving, project design)) (%): 35
    • Exhibition of works, readings ... (%): 15

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

A continuous evaluation of the students will be carried out, which includes, on the one hand, the results of the exercises (assessing in each session the evolution of the work developed since the previous session, and overall progress throughout the course) and, on the other hand, the trajectory of the student during his development, evaluating the set of acquired competences (evidenced by the public defense of the exercises and their active participation in the phases of group work and in the exposition sessions and debate). This evaluation system, which values both the final result of an exercise and its development process, requires that the presence and participation of the student is maximum.

The assessment of the exercise itself will contribute 85% of its overall rating, consisting of 70% for individual development and 15% for group work. The remaining 15% is contributed by the qualification obtained in the "defense, exhibition and debate" sessions .

The final grade of the student will be obtained by performing a weighted average of the qualifications of the different exercises performed during the quarter, being mandatory the delivery of all of them to overcome the subject. Anyone who does not comply with said requirement will be classified as "not taken".

Students who, despite having done some exercise during the course choose to give up the evaluation and to be listed as "not taken", must notify the responsible teacher in writing at least one week before the date of the official final exam.

Students who can not participate, due to justified reasons, in the continuous assessment, can prove their knowledge and skills inherent to the subject through a final evaluation that will consist of the delivery of every work required during the continuous evaluation to the rest of the group complemented with a final test. This circumstance must be communicated in writing by the student during the first 9 teaching weeks.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

In case of not succed in the ordinary call, the students will have the possibility to do it in the extraordinary call, which will consist in the improvement of the deficient projects or, alternatively, in the realization of a new exercise. Those who do not submit the required work, including those required in the ordinary call, will be considered as "not taken".

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation


BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

JELLICOE, Geoffrey & Susan; The Landscape of Man; Saping the enviroment from prehistory to the present day; Thames & Hudson; London 1975; 0_500-27431-2

ZIMMERMANN, Astrid; Constructng Landscape; Birkhauser 2011; ISBN 3034607202

SOSA DIAZ-SAAVEDRA, José A.; Contextualismo y Abstración: interrelaciones entre suelo paisaje y arquitectura; Instituto Canario de Administración Pública; Universidad de las Palmas de Gran Canaria; 1995; ISBN 84-606-2613-X

TIBERGHIEN, Gilles A.; Land Art; Éditions Carré, Paris 1993; ISBN 2-908393-18-2

WORRINGER, Wilhelm; Abstracción y Naturaleza; Breviarios del Fondo de Cultura Económica, nº 80; Madrid, 1997, ISBN 84-375-0431-7

Campos de batalla: laboratorio de técnicas y paisajes contemporaneos, ETSAM 2002/2003; Iñaki ABALOS, Juan Herreros, directores; Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2005; ISBN 84-96185-35-4

BOURDON, David; Designing the Earth; the Human Impulse To Shape Nature; Harry N. Abrams, Inc., Publishers; New York 1995; ISBN 0-8109-3224-5

El paisaje; MOPU, Unidades Temáticas Ambientales de la Dirección general del Medio Ambiente, ISBN 84-7433-498-5

FARIELLO, Francesco; La arquitectura de los jardines; de la antigüedad al siglo XX; Manuales Universitarios de Arquitectura Libreria Mairea y Celeste Ediciones, Madrid 2000; ISBN 84-8211-238-4

MARTIENSSEN, R. D.; La idea del espacio en la arquitectura Griega; Ediciones Nueva Visión, Argentina 1979

SCULLY, Vincent; The earth, the Temple and the Gods, Greek Sacred Architecture, Yale University Press, 1971 (1st edition 1962); Library of Congress number 62-8262

LORZING, Han; The Nature of Landscape: a personal quest; 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2001: ISBN 90-6450-408-3

CARERI, Francesco; Walkscapes: el andar como práctica estética; Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2002; ISBN 84-252-1841-1

Switzerland: an urban portait; ETH Studio Basel, Contemporary City Institute; Birkhauser, Basel 2006; ISBN-10: 3-7643-7284-2

Colección Paisaje y Teoría; dirigida por Federico López Silvestre, Javier Maderueloy Joan Nogué; Biblioteca Nueva, Madrid

NUNN, Astrid; Mauern als grenzen; verlag Phillipp von Zabern, Mainz am Rhein, 2009; ISBN 978-3-8053-3934-6

MALPAS, William; Land Art; a complete guide to landscape, enviromental, erathworks, nature, sculpture and installation art; Crescent Moon Publishing, Kent, UK, 2004; ISBN1-86171-062-3

Denatured Visions; Landscape and Culture in the Twentieth Century; edited by Stuart Wrede and Wlliam Howard Adams; MOMA, New York 1988; ISBN 0-87070-422-2

PROMINSKI, Martin; River.Space.Design; Birkhauser, Basel 2012; ISBN 978-3-0346-1173-2

SHAW, Philip; The sublime; Oxon, UK, 2006; ISBN 0-415-26847-8

In-depth bibliography

WORRINGER, Wilhelm; Abstracción y Naturaleza; Breviarios del Fondo de Cultura Económica, nº 80; Madrid, 1997, ISBN 84-375-0431-7

Campos de batalla: laboratorio de técnicas y paisajes contemporaneos, ETSAM 2002/2003; Iñaki ABALOS, Juan Herreros, directores; Col·legi d'Arquitectes de Catalunya, Barcelona, 2005; ISBN 84-96185-35-4

FARIELLO, Francesco; La arquitectura de los jardines; de la antigüedad al siglo XX; Manuales Universitarios de Arquitectura Libreria Mairea y Celeste Ediciones, Madrid 2000; ISBN 84-8211-238-4

MARTIENSSEN, R. D.; La idea del espacio en la arquitectura Griega; Ediciones Nueva Visión, Argentina 1979

SCULLY, Vincent; The earth, the Temple and the Gods, Greek Sacred Architecture, Yale University Press, 1971 (1st edition 1962); Library of Congress number 62-8262

LORZING, Han; The Nature of Landscape: a personal quest; 010 Publishers, Rotterdam 2001: ISBN 90-6450-408-3

CARERI, Francesco; Walkscapes: el andar como práctica estética; Gustavo Gili, Barcelona, 2002; ISBN 84-252-1841-1

Switzerland: an urban portait; ETH Studio Basel, Contemporary City Institute; Birkhauser, Basel 2006; ISBN-10: 3-7643-7284-2

PROMINSKI, Martin; River.Space.Design; Birkhauser, Basel 2012; ISBN 978-3-0346-1173-2

SHAW, Philip; The sublime; Oxon, UK, 2006; ISBN 0-415-26847-8

GroupsToggle Navigation

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