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Information and Communication Technology in Primary Education27602

Faculty of Education - Bilbao
Bachelor's Degree in Primary Education (Trilingual)
Academic course
Academic year
No. of credits

TeachingToggle Navigation

Distribution of hours by type of teaching
Study typeHours of face-to-face teachingHours of non classroom-based work by the student
Applied computer-based groups4567.5

Teaching guideToggle Navigation

Description and Contextualization of the SubjectToggle Navigation

This course gives the chance for reflecting on the social and educational impact of ICT as agents of educational innovation, and on the digital competence of teachers and students. It provides knowledge of the processes of interaction, communication and collaboration through ICT and its application to educational practice. Our students will be trained so they will be able to guarantee the digital literacy of future citizens for their active insertion in the Knowledge Society. Virtual environments will be presented as settings for education. Good practices with ICT will be identified, implemented and evaluated. It will be part of the interdisciplinary project along with the other subjects of the semester. The development of this project will take into account all the experience and knowledge acquired during the first period of practice at schools.

Skills/Learning outcomes of the subjectToggle Navigation

The main objective is providing students with knowledge and resources so they, as teachers, will be able to guarantee the proper integration of future citizens in the digital world.

Academic competences to be acquired:

1. Analyze the social and educational impact of ICT, specifically, their influence in the family and at school.

2. Be aware of how ICT can enhance interaction, communication and collaboration processes.

3. Schedule, develop and assess innovative teaching-learning processes based on technology within formal educational contexts.

4. Be able to select, create and evaluate ICT-based learning materials in either face-to-face or virtual contexts.

5. Understand the need and adopt a life-long learning culture.

Theoretical and practical contentToggle Navigation


Identify, search, gather, store, organise and analyse digital information, according to its importance and objective.


Communicate in digital environments, share resources using online tools, connect and work in collaboration with others using digital tools, engage in digital communities and networks, have a global and intercultural perspective and awareness.


Create and edit new contents (texts, images, videos); incorporate previous knowledge and contents; re-elaboration; artistic productions, multimedia contents and computer programming; intellectual property; know how to apply use licences and rights


Individual protection, data protection, digital identity protection, use of security, sustainability


Identify digital needs and resources, select the appropriated digital resource for a specific goal. Take decisions; solve conceptual problems by digital means; solve technical problems; creative use of the technology; update own competence as well as others'.

MethodologyToggle Navigation

Teaching methodology comprises of both magisterial classes and computer practices. Students will have to develop group and individual work; they will be required to have active participation, collaborative action, reflection on the content, as well as responsibility in the learning process itself.

eGela is the digital environment where all kind of learning resources will be delivered: materials to read, videos, presentations, individual and group assignments, ...

Assessment systemsToggle Navigation

  • Final Assessment System
  • Tools and qualification percentages:
    • Written test to be taken (%): 30
    • Realization of Practical Work (exercises, cases or problems) (%): 70

Ordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Continuous assessment (a set of activities and an evaluation exercise) is the primary assessment system to be used in the University of the Basque Country (BOPV, Agreement 1311, article 8.2).

Continuous assessment

Students' work will be assessed for classroom activities, home activities, individual and group hands-on sessions, exercises, projects, oral presentations and interdisciplinary work.

The written exercise to be developed individually will weight 30% of the final qualification.

All of these parts have to be passed in order to obtain an overall pass.

*** Withdrawing from continuous evaluation ***

Any student can withdraw from continuous evaluation and he/she has the right to be evaluated in a final evaluation. A withdrawal letter is to be presented to the teacher attending to the next deadlines according to the school calendar (BOPV, agreement 1311, article 8.3):

Faculty of Education, Philosophy and Anthropology in San Sebastian: before the 9th week of the first term

Faculty of Education in Bilbao: before the 9th week of the first term

Education and Sport Faculty in Vitoria-Gasteiz: before the 18th week of the school year

*** Withdrawing from being evaluated ***

Students who decide not to be evaluated must write a letter to the teacher a month before the end of the school calendar. The qualification will be 'pending'.

Final evaluation

Every student has the right to be evaluated in a final evaluation. The exercise will determine 100% of the final qualification.

*** Withdrawing from being evaluated in the final exam ***

Students who do not attend the final exam will have the qualification of 'pending'.


If the situation required it, the final exam would be held in eGela.

Extraordinary Call: Orientations and DisclaimerToggle Navigation

Continuous assessment

Students will keep the marks of the parts they passed with continuous assessment. They will have to pass the pending parts.

*** Withdrawing from being evaluated ***

Students who do not deliver their remaining activities before the official deadline will have the qualification of 'pending'.

Final Evaluation

The individual exercise will determine 100% of the final qualification.

Students who do not attend the final exam will have the qualification of 'pending'.


If the situation required it, the final exam would be held in eGela.

Compulsory materialsToggle Navigation

There is a virtual course in Moodle (eGela). This virtual environment integrates the methodology, compulsory resources and lectures.

BibliographyToggle Navigation

Basic bibliography

Alba, I. (2011). Kameraren atzetik. Irudien bidez narrazioak egitea: Gidoitik filmera. Montesinos.

Area, M. (2009). Introducción a la Tecnología Educativa. Recuperado de http://webpages.ull.es/users/manarea/ebookte.pdf

Blázquez, F., Alonso, L., & Yuste, R. (2017). La evaluación en la era digital. Síntesis.

Cabero, J., De la Horra, I., eta Sánchez, J. (2018). La realidad aumentada como herramienta educativa. Paraninfo.

Carretero, S., Punie, Y., Vuorikari, R., Cabrera, M. & O'Keeffe W. (Eds.). DigComp into action - Get inspired, make it happen: a user guide to the European digital competence framework. (. Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2760/112945

Castañeda, L. & Adell, J. (Eds.)(2013). Entornos personales de aprendizaje: claves para el ecosistema educativo en red. Marfil.

Castaño, C., Maiz, I., Palacio, G. & Villarroel, J. D. (Eds.)(2008). Prácticas educativas en entornos Web 2.0. Síntesis.

Correa, J. M. (Coord.)(2010). Políticas educativas TIC en el País Vasco y buenas prácticas de enseñanza y aprendizaje. Paraninfo.

De Pablos, J. (2015). Los centros educativos ante el desafío de las tecnologías digitales. La Muralla.

Eusko Jaurlaritza. (2015). Irakasleen Konpetentzia Digitala. Retrieved from http://digitala.berritzegunenagusia.eus/wp- content/uploads/2016/02/2015_IrakasleenKonpetentziaDigitalak.pdf

Gisbert Cervera, M., Esteve-González, V., & Lázaro Cantabrana, J. L. (Eds.). (2019). ¿Cómo abordar la educación del futuro? Octaedro.

INTEF. (2017). Marco Común de Competencia Digital Docente V2. Retrieved from http://educalab.es/intef/digcomp/digcompteach

Iruskieta, M., Maritxalar, M., Arroyo-Sagasta, A. eta Camacho, A. (2019). IKTak eta konpetentzia digitalak hezkuntzan. UPV/EHU eta UEU.

Lluna, S., y Pedreira, J. (2017). Los nativos digitales no existen. Bartzelona: Deusto. Ortega, J. M., & Ortíz, A. M. (Eds.)(2018). Tecnología en entornos educativos. Paraninfo.

Redecker, C. (2017). European framework for the digital competence of educators: DigCompEdu. Publications Office of the European Union. https://doi.org/10.2760/159770

Revuelta, F. & Pedrera, M. I. (Coords.)(2019). Retos y evidencias en la investigación con videojuegos en Educación. Octaedro

Sacristán, A. (2018). Sociedad digital, tecnología y educación. UNED - Universidad Nacional de Educación a Distancia.

Sánchez-Rivas, E., Ruíz-Palmero, J. eta Sánchez-Vega E. (Koord.), Innovación ý tecnología en contextos educativos. Universidad de Málaga. https://www.umaeditorial.uma.es/libro/innovacion-y-tecnologia-en-contextos-educativos_2511/

In-depth bibliography

Acaso, M. & Manzanera, P. (Coords.)(2015). Esto no es una clase. Investigando la educación disruptiva en los contextos educativos formales. Ariel.
Area, M., Gros, B. y Marzal, M. A. (Eds.)(2008). Alfabetizaciones y Tecnologías de la Información y la Comunicación. Sintesis.
Castañeda Quintero, L. (2010). Aprendizaje con redes sociales : Tejidos educativos para los nuevos entornos (1a. ed.). MAD. Recuperado de https://ehu.on.worldcat.org/oclc/758075068
Castells, M. (2006). La sociedad red. Alianza.
Cobo, C., & Moravec, J. W. (2011). Aprendizaje invisible: hacia una nueva ecología de la educación. Publicacions i Edicions de la Universitat de Barcelona. https://www2.educationfutures.com/books/aprendizajeinvisible/es/
De Abreu, B. S., Mihailidis, P., Lee, A. L. Y., Melki, J., McDougall, J. (2019). International Handbook of Media Literacy Education. New York: Routlegde. https://doi.org/10.4324/9781315628110
De Pablos, J. (2009). Tecnología Educativa: La formación del profesorado en la era de Internet. Aljibe.
De Pablos, J., Area, M., Valverde J. & Correa, J. M. (Eds.)(2010). Políticas Educativas y Buenas Prácticas con TIC. Grao. Hobbs, R. (2017). Create to learn: Introduction to digital literacy. Wiley-Blackwell.
Martínez Rodríguez, J. B., & Fernández Rodríguez, E. (Eds.). (2018). Ecologías del aprendizaje. Morata.
Poggi, M. (Koord.)(2015). Mejorar los aprendizajes en la Educación Obligatoria. Políticas y factores. IIPE - UNESCO.
Sancho, J. M. (2006). Tecnologías para transformar la educación. Universidad Internacional de Andalucía / Akal.


*Educación XX1
*Educatio Siglo XXI
*Revista Complutense de Educación
*Revista de CurrÍculum y Formación del Profesorado (PROFESORADO)
*Revista de Educación
*Revista Española de Pedagogía
*Revista de Psicodidáctica Revista Electrónica de Investigación y Evaluación Educativa (RELIEVE) *Teoría de la Educación. Revista Interuniversitaria.
*Campus Virtuales
*Computers & Education
*International Journal of Educational Technology in Higher Education (ETHE) *Revista Interuniversitaria de Investigación en Tecnología Educativa (RiiTE) *Revista de Medios y Educación (PIXEL BIT)
*Revista Electrónica de Tecnología Educativa (EDUTEC) *Revista Latinoamericana de Tecnología Educativa (RELATEC)

Web addresses

Berritzegune Nagusia: Konpetentzia Digitala http://digitala.berritzegunenagusia.eus/marco-competencia-digital/
Centro Nacional de Desarrollo Curricular en Sistemas Propietarios (CEDEC) https://cedec.intef.es/recursos/
Creative Commons https://creativecommons.org/choose/?lang=eu
Hezkuntza Ataria (EJ-GV https://www.euskadi.eus/eusko-jaurlaritza/hezkuntza-saila/
Hezkuntza Ataria (Nafarroa) https://www.educacion.navarra.es/eu/web/dpto
Hezkuntza Baliabide Digitalen Ebaluazioa https://intef.es/recursos-educativos/educacion-digital-de-calidad/une-71362/
Instituto Nacional de Evaluación Educativa (INEE) http://www.educacionyfp.gob.es/inee/portada.html
Instituto Nacional Tecnologías Educativas y de Formación Profesorado (INTEF) https://intef.es/
Irudien eta soinuen Biltegia http://recursostic.educacion.es/bancoimagenes/web/
Marco Europeo de Competencias Digitales para los Ciudadanos (DigComp) https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/digcomp
Procomun http://procomun.educalab.es/es
EDIA Proiektua https://cedec.intef.es/recursos/
Recursos Educativos Abiertos https://es.unesco.org/themes/tic-educacion/rea

GroupsToggle Navigation

31-61 Teórico (English - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


13:00-14:00 (1)

Teaching staff



31-61 Applied computer-based groups-1 (English - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


09:00-12:00 (1)

Teaching staff


  • 0S01OG-ordenagailuen gela - FACULTAD DE EDUCACION DE BILBAO (VERTICAL) (1)

31-61 Applied computer-based groups-2 (English - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


12:00-15:00 (1)

Teaching staff


  • 0S01OG-ordenagailuen gela - FACULTAD DE EDUCACION DE BILBAO (VERTICAL) (1)

31-61 Applied computer-based groups-3 (English - Mañana)Show/hide subpages


08:30-11:30 (1)

Teaching staff


  • 0S02OG-ordenagailuen gela - FACULTAD DE EDUCACION DE BILBAO (VERTICAL) (1)