Presentación de comunicaciones

Call for Papers

The deadline for submission of ABSTRACTS is open until September 30th, 2024.

The abstracts will have a maximum extension of 300 words.

Abstracts will be sent through this form.

The template for the presentation of abstracts can be found here.

All proposals must be submitted to one of the thematic sections that will be addressed during the Conference.

In the Conference, in addition to the central topic, it is planned to analyze, reflect and debate on issues such as:

  • The current state of journalism and its relationship with the Internet.
  • Challenges of convergence.
  • The expansion of the phenomenon of social media.
  • Uses and possibilities of Web 2.0.
  • The new professional profiles demanded by the media.
  • Citizen participation in the new information environment.
  • Ethics and deontology in online information.
  • Business and strategies in digital media.
  • The new trends in professional journalism and new technologies.
  • The new genres of networked journalism.
  • Teaching learning of journalism and communication.

The organizing committee will communicate within 15 days the acceptance or not of the proposal.



The abstracts of all accepted communications will be published in a Book of Abstracts, with ISBN.


​​​​The papers will be presented in one of these three modalities:

  • Face-to-face (November 12th, 10:00-13:00)
  • Asynchronous remote presentation- Video
  • Synchronous remote presentation- Virtual Conference Room (Teams- November 12th, 10:00-13:00)



Authors who wish to publish the full text of their communication may choose one of these two options:

Conference Proceedings

- The full texts of the accepted communications may be published in the Congress Proceedings Book, edited by the UPV/EHU editorial service, with ISBN.
- Texts that do not conform to the style guidelines will be rejected.

Associated Journals

- Alternatively, authors may choose to send their texts to one of the two journals associated with the Conference: Mediatika (ISSN 1137-4462) or (ISSN 1695-5498).
- The texts will be subjected to a peer evaluation, in accordance with the publication standards of each of these journals.