w_en_Department of Chemical Engineering

Department of Chemical Engineering

The Department of Chemical Engineering is located at the Faculty of Science and Technology and is also present at the Faculty of Pharmacy. There are more than 80 faculty members, 40% of whom are women. Nearly 40% hold tenured faculty positions, while the remaining members are on tenure-track, postdoctoral researchers, or PhD candidates.

The Department offers courses for degrees in Chemical Engineering, Biotechnology, Chemistry, Food Science and Technology, and Environmental Sciences. It also coordinates the Interuniversity Master's Degree in Chemical Engineering and the homonymous Doctoral Program. Moreover, it participates in the Master's Degree in Food Quality and Safety. The teaching staff is strongly committed to pedagogical innovation, evidenced by their participation in educational innovation projects and conferences, the evaluation of their activity in the Docentiaz program, and their involvement as a Structured Teaching Team.

In addition, the Department demonstrates extensive research activity whose excellence is internationally recognized in rankings such as those of Shanghai and NTU, where the UPV/EHU is ranked as the first Spanish university in the subject of Chemical Engineering and obtains prominent positions at the European and worldwide level. Funding for research activity comes mainly from competitive calls at the provincial, regional, national, and European levels. It also participates in activities related to the spread of technology and transmission of knowledge within society, and coordinates external internships in companies and institutions for undergraduate and Master's students.

All teaching and research activity is collected and published in the Activities Report, available on the departmental website (ehu.eus/iks).

Head of department



Martin Olazar Aurrecoechea
ext 2527

Rubén López Fonseca
ext 5985