
Lauren Etxepare Igiñiz

Personal data

Name and surname: Lauren Etxepare igiñiz (Irun, 1972)
Phone: 943 017 449

Academic degree: 

  • Degree in Architecture from the School of Architecture of tne University of the Basque Country (2000)
  • PhD from the Department of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country (2008)

Puesto académico 

  • Teaching assistant (2002), in the field of Architectural Construction
  • Assitant Professor (2012), in the following studies:
    • Bachelor’s Degree in Architecture
    • Master of Architecture
    • Master in Refurbishment, Restoration and Management of Historical Buildings
    • Doctoral Programme in Restoration of Historical Constructions, Urban Evolution and Refurbishment
    • Doctoral Programme in Energy Efficiency and Sustainability in Engineering and Architecture
  • Head of the Department of Architecture of the University of the Basque Country (2010-2015)

Research line

  • Architecture of the twentieth century: residential-type, construction history, pathology, heritage, refurbishment

