Pre and PostDoc Researchers

Sukunza Pérez, Xabier

(PreDoc Researcher)


Electronic mail

Abbreviated CV

During the third course of the Bachelor’s degree on Chemical Engineering (UPV/EHU) and when I was doing an internship in Novattia Desarrollos Ltd., I participated in the experimental phase of a PhD Thesis about drying of fine and ultrafine sand. As a result, I defended my Bachelor’s Thesis about that topic. Subsequently, my Master Thesis (UPV/EHU and UC) was about designing a heat exchanger for the implementation of a gas burner into a spouted bed based pilot plant, which was awarded in the 23rd ICPME and ICCE3 Conferences.

My PhD Thesis, having Roberto Aguado and Martin Olazar as supervisors, and with the collaboration of Novattia Desarrollos Ltd., is about food industry waste management in semi-industrial scale spouted beds.


BACHELOR DEGREE IN CHEMICAL ENGINEERING: Materia Transferentzia, Ingeniería de Procesos y Producto, Experimentación en Ingeniería Química II, Esperimentazioa Ingeniaritza Kimikoan II


B1.P6.0 (ZTF/FCT)