Fajardo Portillo Jose Oscar

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Datos personales

Fajardo Portillo, Jose Oscar

Dirección: Alda. de Urquijo s/n. C.P.: 48013. Bilbao
Email: joseoscar.fajardo@ehu.es
Teléfono: +34 94 601 7361


Títulos académicos

Titulación universitaria

Título: Ingeniería de Telecomunicación
Intensificación: Telemática
Centro: Universidad del País Vasco
Fecha de obtención: 2003


Título del programa: Tecnologías de la información y comunicaciones en Redes Móviles
Fecha de obtención DEA: 2005
Título de la tesis: Adaptación de los mecanismos de provisión de calidad de servicio a las preferencias de los usuarios (Adaptation of QoS provisioning mechanisms to user requirements)
Fecha de obtención: (En proceso)


Performance Analysis of Scheduling Algorithms for Web QoE Optimization in Wireless Networks

Ianire Taboada, Jose Oscar Fajardo, Fidel Liberal
International Journal of Network Protocols and Algorithms
4, Issue 4

This paper deals with the problem of scheduling mobile Internet traffic over a single cell wireless downlink data channel. On the one hand, we compare the performance of different size-based or/and channel-aware scheduling disciplines in mean delay terms, concluding that an approach that combines both size- and channel-awareness is the best alternative, which guarantees acceptable uplink overhead due to channel information reports. On the other hand, we study the impact of different scheduling algorithms on user's satisfaction for web browsing service. As concluded, in order to achieve a trade-off between maximizing overall mean subjective quality and reducing uplink signaling overhead due to channel quality reports, a scheduling policy that benefits from opportunistic gains in combination with a size-aware tie-breaking rule gives the best results.

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