Collaborative STEAM Art

Collaborative STEAM Art

Glass Drawing 2024.Malaga

Collaborative STEAM Art is an initiative of the Vitoria-Gasteiz School of Engineering that encourages the creation of artistic works in the common spaces of educational and social centers.

  1. Wall Tape 2021.Cubos & Colors
  2. Wall Drawing 2021.Monaco 
  3. Glass Drawing 2021.Luzern 
  4. Wall Drawing 2021.Athina 
  5. Glass Drawing 2021.Havana 
  6. Wall Drawing 2022.Dallas 
  7. Wall Drawing 2022.Ankara 
  8. Wall Drawing 2022.Sydney 
  9.  Glass Drawing 2022.Boston & Glass Drawing 2022.Osaka 
  10. Glass Drawing 2022.Oxford 
  11. 3D Structure 2022.Bremen 
  12.  Wall Drawing 2022.Lisbon 
  13.  Glass Drawing 2022.Venice 
  14. Ceramic Drawing 2023.Prague 
  15. Ceramic Drawing 2023.Warsaw 
  16. Ceramic Drawing 2023.Calais 
  17. Ceramic Drawing 2023.Taipei 
  18. Glass Drawing 2024.Malaga 
Participation/Collaboration: if you want to collaborate in this initiative (at the EIVG or in any other UPV/EHU center, or in an external center) send an email to

noticias STEAM

Divulgación Actividades STEAM

Campusa EHU

UPV/EHUk STEAM hezkuntza sustatzen du

Hurrengo ekimena Vitoria-Gasteizko Ingeniaritza Eskolan izango da, eta arte lanak egingo dira elkarlanean

Kronika - 2021/08/13


Web de la Escuela de Ingeniería de Vitoria-Gasteiz

STEAM Ingeniaritza eskolan artelan kolaboratiboen bidez


Web - 13 Julio 2021