

Art Installations: Glass Drawing 2022.Boston & Glass Drawing 2022.Osaka

The activity carried out by the 1st ESO students (five groups, 117 students) of the IES Miguel de Unamuno BHI is a pedagogical action for the realization of a STEAM collaborative artistic work in an Open-Space educational environment.

The objectives of this collaborative action are:

A. Carry out an educational activity in an Open-Space environment:

1.    Outside the classroom and away from the desk; without the use of paper and pencil.
2.    Development of cognitive primitives (systems understanding and problem solving through visual cognitive primitives).
3.    Motivation of students to overcome pedagogical obstacles through teamwork and implementing an art piece that is visible in the school community.

B. Carry out an activity introducing fundamental STEAM ideas:

1.    Top-Down Design: Complex systems (non-Euclidian parametric surface) implemented with increasingly simpler subsystems (windows, panes, polygons)
2.    Introduction to non-Euclidean geometries (3D parametric curves)
3.    STEAM motivation of the students to learn more about the knowledge and tools necessary to design and create these artistic installations (software, hardware, materials, and procedures).

C. Transform the learning content through direct intervention, to establish channels of interaction between the students and the third educator (classroom/centre).

D. Use metacognitive processes associated with the development of the work itself, through evaluation instruments to favor self-regulated learning.

E. Collaborate in the development of a STEAM project, analyzing how its different elements are related in a didactic structure, to plan concatenated work sequences in the classroom.

F. Integrate the gender perspective through the development of a transversal curriculum to encourage the development of scientific vocations, especially in girls.



A. Z., Nora

A.B., Oihane

A. A., Elene

A.. V.., Maddi

A. F., Andrea

A. V., Ibon

B. G., Hiart

C. T., Markel

D. S., Oier

E. E., Aner

E. Q., Leire Leticia

F. G., Leila Jamila

G. S., June

G. C., Vivian Patricia

G. C., Eder

M. G., Noa

N., Madiabou

N. O., Aitana

O. A, Unai

P. N., Jone

R. S., Oier

R. G., Iker

S. Á., Claudia

V. R., Hector Daniel

Z. B., Elías

M. L., Markel

M. S., Javier


Nerea Izagirre

Leire Laskurain

Irati Lerma

Itsasne Lopez

Ane Elordui

Uxue Lizarralde







A. P., Aritz

B. M., Sara

B. B., Eneko

C. D., Naomi

C. C., Gorka

C. R., Unax

C. J., Laura

C. D., Eloy Steven

D. M., Saioa Goiuri

D. C., Jennifer

F. D., Onintze

G. J., Daniela

G. L., Melanie Estefanía

J. G., Juan

L. O., Mikel

M. J., Julene

P. P., Maitane

S. A., Jair

S. R., Oihane

S. G., Anta

U. H., Inaxi


Arantxa Mendia

Aintzane Garitaonandia

Kiara de Andres

Eneko Gutierrez

Ainhize Helguera














A. R., Julen

A. M., Imanol

A. S., Sally Daniela

B. B., Andrea

B. , Alexandra

E. M., Andreu

F. A., Oier

G. A, Pablo

G. A., Darys Camila

G. F., Julen

L. C., Samuel David

M. M., Andrés Steven

O. Z., Iñigo

O. R., Elsa

P. A., Julene

Q. P., Eduardo Renier

R. A, Ainara

R. S., Irati

R. Z., Julene

S. Z., Ainara Lucía

S. D., Lorea

T. C., Asier

V. R., Angie

V. C., Aaron


Ikerne Borreguero

María Bortolini

Andrea Barco

Ane Amorrortu

Haimar Bilbao

Aitzol Anton

Elene Urigoitia

Maddi Zugazaga

Alazne Urkiola

Irune Urruticoechea

Markel Zuluaga

Ainhize Zulaika

Irune Velasco



A. S., Radia

A. S., Iker

A. P., Hodei

A. V., Nicole

B. R., Alejandro

C. D., Jessica

C. A., Melissa

C. C., Ana

C. C., Adrian James

E. C., Jonathan

J. T., Allison Naiara

J. B., Marina

L. C., Ariadne Iara

M. E., Ahmed

N. V., Joseba

N. K., Daniel

N. A., Yannick Ndong

P. E., Koldo

R. F., Ibon


Saioa Medel

Laida Martínez

Ainara Huesca

Dánae Mikelez de Mendiluze

Ane Mesa

Eneko Martínez















A. C., Reda

A. V., Aritz

A. G., Xabier

A. B., Naia

B. G., Izei

C. A., Irati

C. M., Aitor

C. C., Asier Alexander

D. F., Henrique

D. T., Haritz

F. M., Katherine

G. H., Nicolás

G. J., María Rocío

G. A., Iker

G. B, Jon

H. B., Mohamed Amin

J. , I. Amina

L. H., Valentina

M., Rayan

M. R., Unai

O. I., Trinity Esosa

O. S, Maialen

P. M., Joritz

S. C., Libe

T. S., Mayra Shelley


June Gutiérrez

Aiara Isusi

Maddi Madariaga

Unai Manrique

Iratxe Marcos

Uxue Marcos

Ainara Marín








Make of installation Glass Drawing 2022.Boston & Glass Drawing 2022.Osaka

Distribution by Collaborative Work Teams

The activity was carried out by 117 students from five 1st ESO classrooms at IES Unamuno.

42 students from the Faculty of Education of Bilbao collaborate in this project supporting and directing the students of IES Unamuno.

The students of the 5 classrooms have been organized in two batches with 10 work teams of 3-4 people.

The team names are Sun, Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars - Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto.


Design of Art Installations: Glass Drawing 2022.Boston & Glass Drawing 2022.Osaka
  • Colors: white, gold, azure
  • Geometries: Parametric Curved Surfaces


Participation / Collaboration: if you want to collaborate in this initiative (in the FEB or in any other UPV / EHU center, or in an external center) send an email to arantzazu.lopez@ehu.eus

Galería de Fotos de IES Unamuno

Photo Gallery of IES Unamuno