
1st Iberian Meeting on Mössbauer Spectroscopy (IBERMOSS 2019)

This meeting will be the first joint meeting of the Mössbauer community in the Iberian peninsula. The community is formed by about 10 research teams in Spain and 5 in Portugal that have not had a too fluent communication in the past, neither within Spain nor in the transborder one. The aim of the meeting is to strengthen the communication between the different research teams of this community, in order to pave the roots for further collaboration within the Iberian community.

With the cited aim IBERMOSS2019 will start the 30 of May, Thursday, in Bilbao, with a dinner where the participants will get to know each other and discuss the actual problems and goals of their teams. It will continue on the 31st of May, Friday, with morning and afternoon sessions, in round table format, to discuss different subjects with concern to the research groups of the community, in order to increase their collaboration.

Chairman: F. Plazaola (IBAME’s Spanish representative)

Co-chairman: J. C. Waerenborgh (IBAME’s Portuguese representative)