

Masterraren Gakoak

About the master

The main objective of this master's degree is to analyse language and to get to know the existing techniques and applications for computer language processing, with a double orientation, both research and professional in the field of language technologies.

The massive use of Internet has increased the need for an automatic processing of language, both oral and written, to select correctly the information that interests us, the auxiliary linguistic processing is essential.

So, it is increasingly common to use tools like Google's “translate document”, to translate emails automatically in Gmail, or search online dictionaries. In other words, we have tools for processing different languages, both morphologically, syntactically and semantically.

In this context, there is a need for people from computer science and engineering, and from philology and linguistics, to work in research and development in language technologies.

To this end, the training programme includes knowledge and, where appropriate, development of editing and word processing applications such as spelling and grammar checkers or dictionary aids; information retrieval and extraction for large volumes of texts; automatic translation; natural language and speech processing interfaces; among others.

This master's degree gives direct access to the doctoral programme in Language Analysis and Processing.

This master's degree has the Unibasq Internationalization Seal, which promotes and recognises the internationalization of the student body.

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Places available



Face-to-face degree course






1,5 years

Approximate fees

3.000 €

Teaching place

University of the Basque Country: Faculty of Informatics


Person in charge of the Master :


4 razones para elegir este máster

  • 100% de empleabilidad por alta demanda del perfil profesional tanto a nivel local como internacional.
  • Prácticas voluntarias pagadas en empresas y grupos de investigación mientras se cursa el máster.
  • Formación avalada con 30 años de experiencia del grupo de investigación IXA Taldea.
  • Formación en técnicas de gran aplicación práctica que facilitan la comunicación y manejo de información entre personas.


Career opportunities

  • Professionals in fields related to language engineering, language industries and information and communication technologies (ICT) such as the following:
    • Design of multilingual linguistic applications for companies and institutions.
    • Development of electronic linguistic resources (dictionaries, thesauri, ontologies, lexical databases, linguistic corpus).
    • Creation and development of e-learning computer-assisted learning systems.
    • Development of linguistic resources on the Internet.
    • Specialist in automatic translation or voice processing.
  • Research in areas of Natural Language Processing (NLP): machine translation, sentiment analysis, statistical language modelling, computational linguistics, text mining..
  • Research in companies such as Google, Microsoft, IBM, etc.

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Suggestions and requests