Vladimir Kaberdin

(H-index: 21; Ikerbasque Research Professor at UPV/EHU since 2009; Researcher in the EMVB RG). He received his MSc & PhD degrees in biochemistry from the Moscow State University (Moscow, Russia) in 1988 & 1991, respectively. After 6 years of post-doctoral training in the Institute of Molecular Biology in Academia Sinica, Taiwan (1993-1996) & the University of Vienna, Austria (1997-2000), he became a group leader at the Max F. Peruts Laboratories in Vienna, Austria (2001-2007). After 2007, he spent nearly two years in Taiwan as a Visiting Professor & has recently been appointed (Nov. 2009) as Ikerbasque Research Professor to carry out his research activities in the University of the Basque Country, Spain. While acting as a principal investigator, he is currently undertaking research in the field of bacterial stress responses recently using V. harveyi as a model organism & supervising both graduate & postgraduate students’ research projects. His research accomplishments include 44 papers in international peer-reviewed journals (e.g. Proceeding of the National Academy of Sciences of USA, Nucleic Acids Research & others) & two book chapters widely cited by other experts in the field (1610 citations in total). His current & future research goals are directed towards (i) understanding the post-transcriptional mechanisms & molecular interactions that enable microorganisms to efficiently respond to & cope with environmental challenges & (ii) applying this knowledge in biotechnology & antibacterial drug design. During his research career, he was a principal investigator of several research projects supported by national funding agencies in Austria (FWF) & Spain (MICINN; MINECO). Moreover, the results of these studies had attracted considerable interest & were selected for oral communications at international meetings & seminars in foreign research centers.