(H-index: 22; UPV/EHU Professor of Cell Biology since 2011, Researcher in the CBET CRG). Deputy Director of Research Centre for Experimental Marine Biology and Biotehnology (Plentzia Marine Station) (2012-today). European doctoral thesis at the UPV/EHU (1995) He completed pre and postdoctoral research studies in various foreign institutions: University College of Wales (Aberystwyth), University of Innsbruck (Austria), Univ Azores (Portugal) and University of Wales (Cardiff). He has supervised 6 PhDs and two more in progress, as well as master’s thesis (15) and Licenciature Thesis (7). His research interest is focused on the development and application of biomarkers of effect against exposure to metals in aquatic and terrestrial organisms (earthworms, mollusks, fishes). Special interest in the cellular localization and quantification of metal ions, in the immunohistochemical localization of antibodies (i.e. metallothionein) and molecular probes in target cellular compartments, and the transit of metals (aqueous forms, massive forms and nanoparticles) on terrestrial and aquatic organisms. He has generated more than 75 scientific publications and book chapters, and over 175 contributions at national and international conferences (regular presentations and invited talks). He usually acts as a regular reviewer for more than 20 international Journals. He has supervised and coordinated research projects funded by the Spanish Ministry of Education, Economy, Competitivity, University of the Basque Country, Basque Government (Saiotek & Etortek Programs), and contracts with municipalities, state and local environmental agencies and private companies (foreign and local). Member of Berrilur (Consortium for Strategic Research on soil and groundwater protection and recovery strategies of degraded areas) since its creation (2003) and coordinator of the activities of CBET Group since 2008. He has participated for the past 15 years of uninterrupted way in European research projects funded under the Sixth and Seventh Framework EU programs. Serves as evaluator Evaluation Agencies Research Projects Spanish, Portuguese, UK and Argentina, Founding Member of the Latin American Society of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology (SICTA), and member of the board since 2003 and editor of the journal and SICTA website. Vicedean of the Faculty of Science and Technology (2007-2012), Coordinator of the Master International Marine Environment and Resources (2012-), Member of the Committee of the Commission of Ethics for Animal Welfare (2009-2012), Member of the Committee on Undergraduate Studies of Biology (2010-today).