Alberto DE DIEGO

Alberto de Diego

Research ID: L-7381-2014. Total no of publications: 67 H-Index: 17. He obtained his PhD degree in 1996 and then spent two years in a post-doctoral position in the CNRS (Bordeaux/Pau, France), working on the development and application of methods for mercury speciation analysis. Nowadays, he is assistant professor in the Department of Analytical Chemistry of the UPV/EHU. He has supervised six PhD Thesis (already presented), and currently supervises the work of three more PhD students. He has coauthored 12 book chapters, published more than 50 research articles in international journals and participated in the elaboration of two academic books. His main research areas of interest include the development and optimization of analytical methods, monitoring of environmental pollution in aquatic and atmospheric environments and the application of chemometrics to the analysis of environmental data.