TREC in Plentzia-Gorliz, Bilbao

During their stay in Plentzia-Gorliz and Bilbao the TREC expedition will bring and advanced mobile lab, a land-sea interface sampling mobile lab, a research vessel, and outreach team and will be utilizing the infrastructures and the know-how of the Plentzia Marine Station (PiE-UPV/EHU) as a member of the European research infrastructure EMBRC. The advanced mobile lab with cutting-edge microcopy equipment will be housed in 12 m long and 5 m wide track that will be parked in front of PiE-UPV/EHU from the 13th of September to the 11th of October.

The sampling mobile lab, with a sample-processing track and two service vehicles will arrive in Plentzia around the 1st of October until the 11th of October. This sampling team with its researchers will be exploring the intertide in Muskiz, Armintza and Urdaibai.

TREC sampling track in the Roscoff Marine Station (EMBRC-Francia). Copyright Kinga Lubowiecka/EMBL.


The research schooner Tara will be sampling in front of our coastline during the first weeks of October and when finished it will sail upstream the Abra into the Bilbao estuary and will be docked in front of the Maritime Museum of Bilbao-Itsasmuseum (11th – 18th October).

Docking site of the scientific schooner Tara in front of Itsamuseum Bilbao, during its outreach and public engagement stay in October.