UPV/EHU Adjunct Professor in Ecology; Researcher in the Marine and EstuaAitor Laza-Martínezrine Plankton Ecology group. Currently, he is coordinator of Final Degree Projects in the Commission of Degree Studies in Biology. Lecturer in Ecology and Marine Ecology in the undergraduate program, and in the course “Eutrophication and Harmful Algae” in the Erasmus Mundus Master (MSc) “Marine Environment and Resources” and in the “Environmental Contamination and Toxicology” MSc. He obtained his PhD in 2009 with the Thesis “Criptofitas del estuario del rio Nervión-Ibaizabal”. He has been collaborator in 10 projects (open calls) and principal researcher in 11 contracts with companies. He has co-supervised a PhD Thesis on benthic dinoflagellates and 12 Master Thesis projects. His research has dealt with the study of the ecology of phytoplankton, analytical techniques for the study of phytoplankton, ecophysiology through in vitro assays and systematics of several microalgae taxa. From these studies, 34 papers have been published (H-index 16 in Web of Science) and more than 60 communications have been presented in national/international congresses.