
I am Speech Therapist and have a PhD in Linguistics. In my thesis titled “Procesamiento morfológico flexivo en niñas y niños hispanohablantes con dislexia” I examined the inflectional morphology processing in children with and without dyslexia, observing that both groups (of study and control) seem to process the inflectional forms in the same way and that the presence of morphemes in reading helps the transition from reading by grapheme-phoneme decoding to global reading. My main interest is to investigate the reading processes with subjects with and without dyslexia.


Fratini, V. (2017) Procesamiento morfológico flexivo en niñas y niños hispanohablantes con dislexia. Doctoral dissertation, University of the Basque Country.

Fratini, V.; Acha, J.; Laka, I. (2014) Frequency and morphological irregularity are independent variables: Evidence from a corpus study of Spanish verbs. Corpus Linguistics and Linguistic Theory. Volume 10, Issue 2, Pages 289–314, EISSN: 1613-7035, ISSN: 1613-7027, DOI: 10.1515/cllt-2013-0028.

Kljajevic, V.; Fratini, V.; Etxaniz, A.; Urdaneta, E.; Yanguas, J. (2013). Comprehension cueing strategies in elderly: a window into cognitive decline? Cognitive Science Society Proceedings. Volume 32, pp. 2746-2751.


2017. Hinkuntzalaritzan Doktorea.

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

2012.          MA. Linguistics.

Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (UPV/EHU)

2009.                          BA.  Speech Therapist.

Universidad del Museo Social Argentino

2005.                          A. Speech Therapist

Universidad del Museo Social Argentino


2011.                          7th International Morphological Processing Conference.

10th International Symposium of Psycholinguistics. BCBL.

TP5 Workshop on Methodology II- Advanced Level. BCBL.   

2009.                       Introduction to PROMPT Technique.  The Prompt Institute.     

2008.                       Cómo evaluar y tratar la dislexia desde un enfoque                                                        neuropsicolingüístico. Lic. Mónica Rousseau.  


2012.                          Pre-doctoral grant.

Eusko Jaurlaritza.

2011.                          Professional Practice at research center INGEMA.

Fundación Novia Salcedo.

2010.                          Mobility grant for MA students.

Eusko Jaurlaritza, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea.

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