Angel Gabriel Fernandez
(Biorefinery Processes)

Angel G. Fernández is chemist and holds a PhD in Advanced Chemistry at Universidad Complutense de Madrid (Spain) in 2013. That year, he started his postdoctoral experience in the Solar Energy Research Center (SERC-Chile), at Universidad de Chile. In 2015, he was selected for a research stay in the National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL, USA) to collaborate in a DOE project focus on the development of electrochemical corrosion studies and material coatings in extreme conditions applied to concentrated solar power plants. In 2016, he joins to the energy development center (CDEA) as head of the thermal energy storage and corrosión research group, along with an assistant profesor position at Universidad de Antofagasta (Chile). In 2018, he was awarded with a TecnioSpring+ (Marie Curie Cofund) project at Universidad de Lleida (Spain). After finish this project, in 2021, he joins to BioRP research group at Universidad del Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) through the “Fellows Gipuzkoa” talent program attraction. Recently, he has been selected as Ramón y Cajal researcher.
During these years, he has been working in the design, valorization and development of novel thermal energy storage materials. Along with the study of corrosion mitigation strategies at medium and high temperature, developing ecological protective coatings as well as corrosion inhibitors to enhance the energy efficiency in industrial processes based on renewable energy.
He has lead 5 research projects as PI and has participated in other 7 as researcher, including 2 H2020 European projects. He has participated in 60 peer-reviewed papers, with more than 1500 cites, H-index 23, 4 book chapters and 2 patents, including 25 international conference participation and the direction of 2 PhD and 2 Master thesis.