8th World Sustainability Forum

8th World Sustainability Forum

Researchers from the Chair participated virtually in the World Congress on Sustainability held virtually from 15 to 17 September, with the presentation of the poster“ Canteen food waste: a simple way to open eyes to sustainability ”.With this event, the aim was to contribute to building a platform and network for sustainability agendas that fosters new partnerships among stakeholders beyond the boundaries of academic disciplines, self-serving national agendas, quarterly spreadsheets, and election cycles. The quest is to conceive of ways to assure long-term sustainable development for people, for regions, and for our planet. In the spirit of making an event on sustainability more sustainable, the 8th World Sustainability Forum was an online global event. The themes for 2020 were: Food Security and Agriculture; and  Mobility and Transport

Cátedra UNESCO de Desarrollo Sostenible y Educación Ambiental