
De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)


Alexandre Manhaes Savio


  • Engineer in Computer Science (October 2006) University of the Basque Country
  • PhD Student at the Computational Intelligence Group of the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence department


  • 7th-11th July, 2008 - AERFAI Summer School - PRMA'08 - Pattern Recognition for Motion Analysis in the Computer Vision Center of the Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona.

Research Areas:

  • MRI medical images segmentation and registration for brain functional localization
  • Gesture recognition systems

Research Questions:

  • How are the BSplines and NURBS used in nonrigid registration?? As 2D in planes following the slices or as 3D surfaces??
  • How could I apply a Random Markov Field method to make a brain image registration? Isn't it related to Mutual Information?
  • Would that be useful or better than the other existing methods?
  • How does the fluid model non-rigid registration work?

Pending Tasks:

  • Preparar libro con las transparencias de las JIC'08.
  • Learn to use 3DSlicer, FSL and SPM for registration.
  • Prepare work for SPIE abstract submission with JL and Charlotte.
  • Making the presentation of Nonrigid registration of brain MRI using NURBS - Jianzhe Wang and Tianzi Jian

Deadlines de congresos y trabajos pendientes:

  • Due Dates for Abstract Submission: 28 July 2008. Submit Your Manuscript: 12 January 2009 SPIE Medical Imaging REJECTED
  • Submission of full papers: 8 March 2009 MICCAI 2009 Papers for MICCAI 2009 must be submitted in LNCS style, prepared for double-blind review, and may be up to 8 pages, including all references, tables and figures.

Work diary (meetings with directors):

    30 mayo , 3 a 5 discusion de articulo de Ardenakia
  • 2905/08 - Presentation of Jean-Luc and Charlotte about the OASIS presentation paper.

Current readings:

Congresos y revistas objetivo:

Direcciones web de interés:

How To...

Estado burocrático de la tesis

Manuel Graña
primer año de cursos de doctorado


¿Cómo instalar el cliente VPN de Cisco en Ubuntu 8.04.?
Nomenclatura de los planos de corte en los seres vivos
How to push references from JabRef to Lyx
Matrices de confusión y otros valores estadísticos
SPIE LaTEX manuscript templates and writing guidelines