EHR Workshop 2015

De Grupo de Inteligencia Computacional (GIC)

Electronic Health Record: implementation, data mining, security and user acceptance, EHRW2015

The Electronic Health Record (EHR) is the basic object for introduction of innovation in the health care services and related industrial fields. It offers a great deal of opportunities for research and development, posing many questions about data ownership, security and privacy, and effective gains in efficiency and care quality. In this regard, the number of EHR related scientific works and publications has grown exponentially in the last couple of years, proving the impact that EHR implementation is having across the planet. It can be said that EHR empowers quality control and traceability of processes and clinical decisions so that healthcare systems become more controllable. This workshop aims to cover a variety of the central topics, such as those in the following (non-exhaustive) list:

System implementation for the filling, query and process of EHRs, including innovative interfaces with users (mobile, tactil, tablet) and medical devices.
Data mining algorithms over EHR collections,
Country specific issues related to EHR implementation, aceptance and use,
Available public domain EHR data for research
Open source solutions to EHR management and mining
Positive and negative impact of EHR implementation
User acceptance: physician, patients, general public, and bioengineering/pharmaceutical companies.
Security, privacy systems and issues. Country specific legal issues.
Text mining and natural language processing for automated analysis of EHR.
Studies performed on available (private/general public) EHR datasets

This workshop, to be held in conjunction with |IEEE BIBM 2015, aims to provide a forum to exchange ideas and discuss the latest research developments across broad aspects of EHR health impact assessment . The workshop welcomes high-quality papers (theoretical, empirical, or computational) from any aspect of EHR research, included the ones listed above.

Paper submission: September 1, 2015
Paper acceptance: September 18, 2015
Camera ready paper: october 2, 2015
paper submission site
Workshop chairs
Manuel Graña, University of the Basque Country UPV/EHU (Spain) and Wroclaw University of Technology WrUT (Poland):
Michal Wozniak, Wroclaw University of Technology WrUT (Poland) (Poland)
Konrad Jackowski, Wroclaw University of Technology WrUT (Poland)
Alexandre Savio, Wroclaw University of Technology WrUT (Poland)

Program committee: (in progress)

Carlos Toro, Vicomtech, Spain