Azkarate, M. Best Practices in Bilingual Education. Conferencia impartida en la Universidad de Rhode Island, Kongston. 2014, diciembre.
Lindemann, D.; Manterola, I.; Nazar, R.; San Vicente, I.; Saralegi, X. Bilingual Dictionary Drafting: The Example of German-Basque, a Medium-Density Language Pair. Oral Communication. XVI International EURALEX Conference. EURAC, Bolzano/Bozen (Italy). 2014, Octubre, 15-19.
Lindemann, D. Creating a German-Basque electronic dictionary for German learners. Poster presented at the XVI International EURALEX Conference. EURAC, Bolzano/Bozen (Italy). 2014, Octubre, 15-19.
Laka, I. Spanish in Bilinguals. Keynote speaker. The Romance Turn VI: International Conference on the Acquisition of Romance Languages. Palma de Mallorca, Spain. 2014, Septiembre, 9.
Laka, I. El soprendente caso de las palabras invisibles. Ponente Invitada. Festival NAUKAS, Ciencia Escepticismo y Humor, Bizkaia Aretoa, Bilbao, 2014, 26-27 Septiembre.
Laka, I. On Agreement relations: Φ feature processing. Invited speaker. VI Brainglot Workshop, Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Septiembre 2013.
Laka, I. La Lingüística y las Ciencias Cognitivas como modelo. Ponencia invitada. Las dos culturas y más allá: Ciencia, Sociedad y Desarrollo. Organizado por Ikerbasque y la Cátedra de Cultura Científica. Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU, Donostia, 2014, Septiembre 2-4.
Ros, I., Santesteban, M., Fukumura, K. & Laka, I. On the impact of phrasal length on native and non-native sentence production: Evidence from Basque and Spanish. Poster presented at the 20th Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing Conference (AMLaP). University of Edinburgh, UK. 2014, Septiembre 6–8.
Zawiszewski, A. & Santesteban, M. Number attraction effects on object-clitic agreement in Spanish: Evidence from native and non-native speakers. Poster presented at 20th Annual Conference on Architectures and Mechanisms for Language Processing (AMLAP), Edinburgh, UK. 2014, September 4 – 6.
Ros, I., Santesteban, M., Fukumura, K. & Laka, I. On the impact of NP-length on sentence word order: Evidence from Basque native and non-native speakers. Poster presented at the International Workshop on Language Production. Université de Gèneve, Switzerland. 2014, Julio 16-18.
Azkarate, M. Thirty years revitalizing the Basque language. Conferencia impartida en la Universidad de Urbana-Champaign, Illinois. 2014, mayo.
Azkarate, M. Hikzkuntza minorizatuak eta politika linguistikoak. Curso Excellence in Basque Studies (IV), organizado en el seno de los Cursos de Verano de la UPV/EHU. 2014, Abril 7.
Tagarelli, K.M., Jiang, X., Laka, I., Barbey, A.K., Morgan-Short, K., & Ullman, M.T. Examining the trajectory of language acquisition with a mini-language model. Paper presented at the American Association of Applied Linguistics. Portland, Oregon. Marzo 2014.
Azkarate, M. On-line dictionaries of a minority language in a multilingual society. XVIth forum for iberian studies cultural and linguistic diversity in the iberian peninsula. University of Oxford. 2014, Marzo 20-21.
Ros, I., Santesteban, M., Fukumura, K. & Laka, I. VO-OV yield imperfect mirror images: on the impact of length on word order. Poster presented at the 27th Annual CUNY Conference on Human Sentence Processing. Columbus, Ohio State University. 2014, Marzo, 13-15.
Odria, A. When the same morphological case does not mean the same Case assignment: the case of Basque datives. Console XXII, Lisboa. 2014, Enero.