Hizkuntzaren eta Literaturaren Didaktika Saila
Hezkuntza, Filosofia eta Antropologia Fakultatea
University of the Basque Country(UPV/EHU)
Oñati Plaza, 3
20018 Donostia
Euskal Herria / Basque Country
email: ane.odria@ehu.es
Phone: +34 943 017021
I am a teacher and researcher at the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Department of Language and Literature Didactics. In May 2017, I defended my Ph.D. Dissertation entitled Differential Object Marking and datives in Basque syntax in the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU). In the thesis, I analyze the syntax of the Differential Object Marking attested in certain Basque varieties and datives in general.
Nowadays, I work in the research teams Basque & Beyond and Bilingual Mind under the supervision of Beatriz Fernández & Itziar Laka, respectively.
Research interests
Syntactic Theory, Comparative Syntax, Basque, micro-variation, datives, differential object marking.
(Argitarabidean) Odria, Ane & Anna Pineda. A micro-comparative approach to DOM in language-contact environments: the case of Catalan, Basque and Spanish. In DOM in Romance: towards microvariation (John Benjamins).
(Bidalia) Berro, Ane, Ane Odria & Beatriz Fernández. Indirect causatives in Basque: The syntax of implicit causers and causees. Univ. of Deusto, UPV/EHU.
(2025) Berro, Ane; Odria, Ane; Fernández, Beatriz. Indirect causatives in Basque: The syntax of implicit causees. Natural Language¬Linguistic Theory, published online: 10 February 2025. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11049-024-09637-1
(2023) Odria, Ane & Anna Pineda. A micro-comparative approach to DOM in language-contact environments: the case of Catalan, Basque and Spanish. In DOM in Romance: towards microvariation (John Benjamins).
(2022) Odria, Ane, Ane Berro & Beatriz Fernández. Pertsona murriztapenak ditu inpertsonaltasunak: euskararen kasua. Fontes Linguae Vasconum, 133. 191-219.
(2022) Berro, Ane, Ane Odria & Beatriz Fernández. Person matters in impersonality. Syntax, 25(1). Wiley. 1-41.
(2022) Bilbao, Kristina, Ane Odria, Ane Berro, Josu Landa & Beatriz Fernández. Euskara Bariazioan / Basque in Variation (BiV) (3rd ed.). UPV/EHU. ISBN: 978-84-1319-456-1.
(2021) Anna Pineda & Ane Odria. Estudi comparatiu del marcatge diferencial d’objecte en situacions de contacte lingüístic (català-espanyol i basc-espanyol). Treballs de sociolingüística catalana. Volume 31.
(2020) Leire Ugalde, Elena Bernaras, Eider Rodríguez & Ane Odria. El Trabajo Interdisciplinar de Módulo como herramienta para el desarrollo de competencias transversales. Revista Interuniversitaria de Formación del Profesorado. Volume: 34, Num. 1, pp. 243-262.
(2019) Odria, Ane. DOM and datives in Basque: not as homogeneous as they might seem. Anna Pineda & Monica Alexandrina Irimia (ed.) Linguisticae Investigationes. Amsterdam / Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 42(1), pages: 8-31.
(2019) Odria, Ane. Differential Object Marking in Basque and Spanish dialects. In Berro, Ane, Beatriz Fernández & Jon Ortiz de Urbina (ed.) Basque and Romance: Aligning grammars. Leiden/Boston: Brill. Pages: 243-275.
(2017) Odria, Ane. Differential Object Marking and datives in Basque syntax. Doctoral dissertation, University of the Basque Country.
(2015) Odria, Ane. “Euskarazko bigarren mailako predikazioaren murriztapen sintaktikoez”. In Beatriz Fernández & Pello Salaburu (ed.) Ibon Sarasola gorazarren. Homenatge. Homenaje. Bilbo: UPV/EHU Argitalpen Zerbitzua. 499-515.
(2014) Odria, Ane. “Differential Object Marking and the nature of dative case in Basque varieties”. Linguistic Variation, 14-2. Amsterdam/Philadelphia: John Benjamins. 289-317.
(2013) Odria, Ane. “Aditz laguntzaileak eta berauen txandakatzeak”. P. Salaburu, P. Goenaga, I. Sarasola (ed.) Sareko Euskal Gramatika. The New Online Basque Grammar (SEG).
(2012) Odria, Ane. “What lies behind differential object marking: a survey in Basque dialects. ”. In P. Salaburu, P. Goenaga & I. Sarasola (ed.) Sareko Euskal Gramatika. The New Online Basque Grammar (SEG). Master Tesia / Master Thesis. UPV/EHU.
(2021) The interaction between the implicit subject and the person restriction in Basque impersonals. Berro, Ane, Ane Odria & Beatriz Fernández. 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. 2021/8/30-2021/9/3, Athens, Greece.
(2021) Arazo pertsonalak dauzka inpertsonaltasunak. Odria, Ane, Ane Berro & Beatriz Fernández. Hizkuntzalari Euskaldunen V. Topaketa. Kimu berriak euskal hizkuntzalaritzan.. 2021/7/2, Eibar, UEU.
(2021) The interaction between the implicit subject and the person restriction in Basque impersonals. Berro, Ane, Ane Odria & Beatriz Fernández. 54th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. 2021/8/30-2021/9/3, Athens, Greece.
(2021) Arazo pertsonalak dauzka inpertsonaltasunak. Odria, Ane, Ane Berro & Beatriz Fernández. Hizkuntzalari Euskaldunen V. Topaketa. Kimu berriak euskal hizkuntzalaritzan.. 2021/7/2, Eibar, UEU.
(2020) “MDO, leismo y doblado de clítico en euskera y el español del país vasco ”. Odria, Ane. IV Encuentro de Dialectos del Español. December 17, Online.
(2020) “A comparative study of DOM in language-contact environments: the case of Catalan, Basque and Spanish”. Odria Ane & Anna Pineda. Linguistic consequences of language contact Lekua online. June 26, Baiona (online).
(2019) “Datiboen izaera sintaktikoa Bigarren Mailako Predikazioaren eta Pertsona Kasuaren Murriztapenaren argitan”. Odria, Ane. FLV, 50 urte. March, 6-7, Iruñea.
(2018) “Differential Object Marking in Basque and Spanish dialects: a micro-comparative approach.” Odria, Ane. International workshop on Differential Object Marking in Romance-towards microvariation. INALCO (Institut national des langues et civilisations orientales). Paris. [Workshop information]
(2015) “Dative Case in Basque DOM objects: a configurational approach”. Odria, Ane. 48th Annual Meeting of the Societas Linguistica Europaea. Leiden.
(2015) “The structural Case of Basque DOM objects: not only functional, but also configurational”. Odria, Ane. Colloquium on Generative Grammar 25. Baiona.
(2014) “In favor of an Agree-based DOM dative in Basque (and beyond)”. Odria, Ane. Penn Linguistics Conference (PLC). March 28-30, Philadelphia.
(2014) “When the same morphological case does not mean the same Case assignment: the case of Basque datives”. Odria, Ane. Console XXII. January 8-10, Lisbon.
(2013) “Two ways of getting a dative in Basque dialects”. Odria, Ane. 1st UCL Graduate Conference in Linguistics. November 7-8, London.
(2013) “On the nature of case and agreement checking in Basque varieties with Differential Object Marking”. Odria, Ane. Societas Linguistica Europaea, 46th Annual Meeting. September 18-21, Split.
(2013) “Osagarrien Markapen Bereizgarria euskal hizkeretan”. Odria, Ane.Hizkuntzalari Euskaldunen I. Topaketak (UEU). July 4, Eibar.
(2013) “When Basque and Spanish met: A micro and macrocomparative approach to Differential Object Marking”. Ane Odria, Beatriz Fernández & Milan Rezac. 25th Scandinavian Conference on Linguistics. May 13-15, Reykjavik.
(2012) “Differential object marking and object case/agreement checking in Basque dialects”. Odria, Ane. NYU Syntax/Semantics Brown Bag, New York University (NYU). November 16, New York.
(2012) “The Basque auxiliary verb”. Odria, Ane. Grammatical Diversity, New York University (NYU). November 8, New York.
(2012) “Postpositional and structural datives in Basque DOM constructions”. Odria, Ane. Hizkuntzalaritza Formaleko Ikertzaile Gazteen Topaketa (UPV/EHU). June 27, Gasteiz.
(2012) “Zergatik ikusi dizut?”. Odria, Ane. IKER Mintegia (IKER-UMR). June 7, Baiona.
(2012) “Intransitivization of reflexive and reciprocal predicates in Basque. The case of bivalent ditransitive predicates”. Berro, Ane & Ane Odria. Wedisyn’s 3rd Workshop on Syntactic Variation. March 22-23, Uviéu-Oviedo.
(2011) “Factors involved in the Dative/Absolutive marking of the object in Basque: affectedness and animacy ”. Odria, Ane. Seminario del Centre de Lingüística Teòrica (CLT) de la Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona (UAB). September 30, Barcelona.
(2011) “Subject and object case variation: Dialectal evidence from Basque”. Berro, Ane & Ane Odria. Variation and Typology: New trends in syntactic research. August 25-27, Helsinki.
(2010) “Absolutive/dative alternating verbs in Basque”. Odria, Ane. Wedisyn’s 1st Workshop on Syntactic Variation (IKER-UMR). March 4-5, Baiona.
Visiting fellowships
December 2018 – March 2019: CNRS IKER UMR 5478
September 2012 – December 2012: New York University (NYU) (under supervision of Professor Richard S. Kayne)
Organization of scientific meetings
2013: Towards a Theory of Syntactic Variation
2011: Basque Comparative Syntax (An Encounter with Richard S. Kayne)
Research Projects
Gogo Elebiduna/The Bilingual Mind (GIU 09/44-IT414-10) (Principal Investigator: Itziar Laka)
Gogo Elebiduna/The Bilingual Mind (IT1439-22) (Principal Investigator: Itziar Laka)
Resolviendo el puzle del lenguaje: morfosintáxis vasca en variación (PGC2018-096380-B-I00) (Principal Investigator: Beatriz Fernández)
Gogo Elebiduna/La Mente Bilingüe [ IT1169-19 (2019-2021)]. Consolidated Research Group of Excellence, A grade. (Principal Investigator: Itziar Laka Mugarza)
Gaztesare: multilingüísmo e identidades glocales en las redes sociales entre los jóvenes vascos (2018/04 A.E.C.T.) (Principal Investigator/Ikertzaile Nagusia: Agurtzane Elordui)
Médias et langues au Pays Basque: code-mixing chez les professionnels de la télévision & radio (2017-1R40306) (Principal Investigator/Ikertzaile Nagusia: Irantzu Epelde)
Towards a Theory of Syntactic (micro)Variation: Basque and Beyond (FFI2014-51878-P) (Principal Investigator: Beatriz Fernández)
AThEME – Advancing the European Multilingual Experience EC FP7/SSH-2013-1 AThEME (613465) (Principal Investigator/Ikertzaile Nagusia: Lisa L. Cheng, Leiden University)
Gogo elebiduna/La mente bilingüe (IT 665-13) (Principal Investigator: Itziar Laka Mugarza)
Sintaxis comparativa del euskera: hacia una gramática vasca dialectal (Basque Dialect Grammar) (FF2011-26906) (Principal Investigator/Ikertzaile Nagusia: Beatriz Fernández)
The Edisyn project: towards a network of European dialect syntax (HM-2009-1-25) (Principal Investigator/Ikertzaile Nagusia: Beatriz Fernández)
Gramática Vasca en la Red (HUM2007-29151-E/FILO) (Principal Investigators: Pello Salaburu, Patxi Goenaga & Ibon Sarasola)
Syntactic microvariation in Basque: a theoretic and typological approach (FFI2008-00240/FILO) (Principal Investigator: Beatriz Fernández)
2013 June National Award 2009-2010 in Undergraduate Studies (Premio Nacional de Fin de Carrera de Educación Universitaria 2009-2010. Ministry of Education, Culture and Sports, Spain).
2013 April Best Linguistics Master student 2011/2012 (University of the Basque Country)
2011 – 2014 PhD Fellowship (Basque Government) (BFI-2010-185)
September 2010 – December 2010 researcher under contract (UPV/EHU) (PIC 269/09)
June 2010 Graduated with distinction in Basque Studies (UPV/EHU)
October 2009 – June 2010 Collaboration Fellowship (Basque Government)